Assume there will also be a similar Easter egg connecting Season 2 except the headline will read “Da Fuck?”
Assume there will also be a similar Easter egg connecting Season 2 except the headline will read “Da Fuck?”
Nothing gets that declining birth rate back up like some forced sterilizations.
I remember when I heard the announcement that he was playing Ted Bundy my first reaction was “Yeah. That casting makes a lot of sense.”
She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!
I don’t think you could have a prouder moment than turning yourself in because you fraudulently obtained some medicine for a poor and sick child.
Ok I have to admit, when Bloody Shoes came out I couldn’t stand Cardi. Now, I’m over here trying to not stan Cardi to the point of creepiness.
Yup. As soon as these shits started getting painted as victimized angels, I started shouting that they were assholes in MAGA hats bused in from a boys school to protest women’s reproductive rights. Even if the black men and the native protesters started shouting at them, they deserved it.
It’s weird how easily Republicans go from “Lincoln was a Republican!” to honouring the men who declared war against him.
If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.
But how crusty do you have to be to ask the person you just insulted to come on your show (and boost your ratings)?
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
Those are the ripped lats, triceps, and pecs you can only get by spending your life beating the shit out of the hungry, the sick, and the elderly. Oh, and kicking poor children. That’s ‘leg day.’
It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids. That was obviously her mistake.
If it’s not a danger to the player or other players leave it the fuck alone. White people are so obsessed with policing black appearance.
Hillsong sounds like the kind of place that will get investigated soon.
The more I learn about him, the happier I am for Anna Faris. She was way too cool for him. Except the dog abandonment thing.
I’m with you. He seems like a narcissist in handsome sheep's clothing.
I don’t know why, but Chris Pratt has always set off “DANGER, DANGER” bells in my head. Like, I feel as though he’d be really slowly emotionally manipulative and that his “charming” persona is just a public veneer that he strips off but only when he’s thoroughly got you under his control. RUN, KATHERINE.
Maria Shriver isn’t Catholic?
Uhh, yeah. have you met a white person?