
Does Putin wax his chest? Is it weird that I now wonder if he waxes his asshole??

NO to flavored carbonated waters! They are an abomination! Just be water or just be Fanta!

This show is realness. And just damn good besides.

It is MIND BOGGLING to me that these journalists don’t push back on this shit. And it’s every damn day, too! The off-camera bullshit, the lies, the outright hostility of Huckleberry and Sphincter. They’re fucking sheep. Every one of them should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh she knows it too! lol I’ll pass along your kind words (she’s pretty but a total illiterate :-P )

Wow do I wish Aaron McGruder would revamp The Boondocks tv show. It was just a little too ahead of its time. It scared white people. But now, damn, I bet Riley would have some absolute ATOMIC bombs to drop and folks would be watching.

This is Fishbaby. I love her but she is crazy af.

There is no way Bannon can see, let alone suck, his own cock.

Nah, I’m lumping in with everyone who thinks Cheeto Van Tweeto is going to get jealous of Mooch’s New York tough guy spotlight hogging. The bloom is off the rose, Trump does some crazy Tweets come...Tuesday? Wednesday at the latest.

Can The Women’s March just become a new political party already?

And does she kinda look exactly like his dead wife?

I had mine done at my pediatrician’s office back in....1982? Is that weird? I’ve never met anyone else who had their ears pierced that way. I don’t know if doctors still do that but, you know, it’s clean, you’re prolly there once a month with your sick, drippy kid anyway, why not?

Cool article thanks!

Rachel better be okay. I keep thinking of all the stories she does on poisoned/murdered Russian journalists and I wonder...Putin wouldn’t. Would he???? He miiiiight.

It is! Get you some!!!!

Ben and Jerry’s has a new limited edition banana ice cream that is the cure for all things Trumpy. I have self-prescribed myself many, many doses. Apply orally at first, bathe in as needed. It’s called One Love and Target has it.

Holy shit! Trump wouldn’t sell him out to get some kissy points with his boy crush, Erdogan, would he??

Awwwww, that was so nice. Do a longer one next year!

I wonder if Putin is financing some of these newer hate groups like Project Europa and Assy Spencer??? Part of the greater plan to sow discontent in the US and all that. But it could also just be that alt-right thing where they say any shit on the off chance it might upset a few liberals. These fuckers are scum.

It was a little buried, but I’m a real nosy beeyatch. Also, I meant to reply to the OP, so please don’t think I was all “my google rules, your google drools!”