I just called his office, (405) 557-7382, and left those exact questions in a message to his very pleasant assistant. She says he will give me a call back. I’ll update when if he does!
I just called his office, (405) 557-7382, and left those exact questions in a message to his very pleasant assistant. She says he will give me a call back. I’ll update when if he does!
Damn, that Baby Khaled is beautiful!
This guy is about 3 posts away from going full Scott Adams.
Maxine Waters is such a goddamn hero. She is the only politician with the guts to call Trump a liar using exactly that word, liar.
OMG YES! I am so excited for this!!!
Is he going to be snertling and making other weird nose noises throughout our coupling? I feel like he’d have a box of Kleenex IN the bed with us.
Thank you for this, but I’m still too much of a scaredy shit to play :-(
There are a lot of beautiful things about Chicago that are also probably burning a hole in his stomach too big for any Prilosec to plug: we successfully turned him away last spring when he tried to do a campaign stop, we have a hugely active BLM group, we’re a big-time sanctuary city and, of course, Obama’s adopted…
Just talked myself down from an anxiety attack. FUCK
Omg, this is totally the set up for the next season of 24. Do not let any kids go this “party” !!!
Nah, I don’t don’t think he’s gay, but definitely a second family that he lives with during the week. And the second family has tonnnnns, of kids.
Ellie, this is a superb list for “a friend.” I hope you have a really wonderful holiday season. (And you get your vape)
I vacuumed my dirty garage. It helped!
If I hear this as any alt-righters ring tone, so help me...
Ugh. Fuck this guy with his disturbingly over-round uncanny valley head and that aw shucks ma’am hoakum way of talking. Fuck. Him.
Are we going to watch a whole season of Westworld only to find it’s a movie version of Red Dead Redemption that the producers were savvy enough to rename because they knew that no one would watch it if they called it that?
Also, why does he pronounce his name “Ther-row” when his cousin, Louis, in the UK (where the name originated) pronounces it “Ther-roo?”
If we did a line every time he sniffed....
“...their flower...”