
After setting the bar for practical effects in an action movie with the original Matrix, that 1-vs-100 CGI fight in Reloaded was an absolute sin. They start out blowing our minds with bullet time and people running on walls, only to follow it up with a digital Gumby brawl! Man, I’m still angry about that.

Here’s all you need to know about the sequels: the Wachowskis looked at the first film, put all the interesting stuff in one pile and all the junk in another... and then made two movies from the junk pile.

That depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for accurate information on the Holocaust and the first link is inaccurate, then Google is delivering less than ideal search rankings.

Google is just supposed to find you the information you are looking for, not verify the accuracy or appropriateness of that information.

First, no one is saying censor them. Simply that there is no reality in which storm front is THE most relevant result.

What’s “liberal”-ness (or lack thereof) got to do with proper categorization of firearms?

Says the asshole who supported the movement that encourages the harassment of women solely for developing video games and gets triggered whenever anyone thinks women and minorities have the audacity to be gamers and basically destroying gaming culture for everybody. Go fuck yourself.

No basically you contributed this because of your delusional and bigoted conspiracy theories towards a woman who did nothing wrong outside of making a video game for free based solely on the word of her abusive ex-boyfriend as well as supporting the movement that harassed said women. The only ones to blame for the

So you don’t think the fact that the chief strategist for the President-elect used to be on the board of a major gaming company that was hit with a class action lawsuit is video game related news?

Let go of what? Basic human decency? Discussion? Our will to live?

Honestly, is anyone surprised? Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet. This is just the appetizer to the main course.