
Love your work

Neither of your assertions are true.

You’re baiting people into thinking that you’re not very bright?
Not much of a win if you ask me.

“Millennials” is just the term that bitter old people use for “thing I don’t like/understand”.

Science isn’t opinion.

Please link us to this ‘active debate’.

Climate change is a scientific issue, not a political one.

“Why yes, I am making a stupid argument” he typed, smugly assured that he was somehow winning the debate.

You pay more for it later, do you even know what preventative care is?

Shame you seem to have gotten neither

I wish you had the self control to stop posting before thinking

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about and you should just stop typing so that you don’t embarrass yourself further.

You appear to be letting your preconceived notions get in the way of the actual quoted statements of the CEO in the article.

Using racial slurs is holding “Conservative views”, another self-own by king of projection DiversityDan 

You’ve written more words whining about the article than are contained in the article.

There is no evidence you Dummy

It’s weird, I recognize all of the words in this statement, but the way you’ve arranged them makes it completely incomprehensible.

Sorry, not posting the Hulk Hogan sex tape would be censorship you hypocrite 

“the flat-world notions from the middle-ages” are a myth, they knew the world was round, how do you think they navigated it?
“Remember: One man’s “truth” is another man’s “fiction;”” also makes no sense - are you trying to prove some weird point with all of these falsities?

How do you propose to fight against the page/ranking in question