
It wasn’t though....your life is being fun ruined because you want take responsibility for yourself and your life.

How on earth does what I do in my bedroom have any effect on you? I suggest you work on developing some self awareness to try to figure out just how absurd that notion is.

How does me getting tied up in flogged in my bedroom ruin your life?
Don’t want to fuck? Don’t fuck.
Don’t want an abortion? Don’t abort.
Your personal history and emotion issues aren’t my problem.

Don’t be pissy because the love of your life found someone who wasn’t a self-righteous POS. Move on.

Can single men even adopt by themselves or are they automatically barred by fears of pederasty?

“It was very scary to open up about everything... It’s not something a lot of people talk about, but I think they should. I know some people might read it and say, ‘What the Hell?’ But I hope someone out there gets something out of it.”

So what happens if you wear the ring with a pair of sweatpants? Do the conflicting maintenance-level-indicators create a rip in the time-space continuum, negating the need for steady employment?

The Brock Turner Judge? Old news. I think Judge Tom Estes may have topped him.

Thanks for this! Good luck with your online poker career....

And no one ever gets raped in non-drinking religions and cultures, either! LDS, Muslims, nations where alcohol is currently illegal, no rape in those communities!

I do not understand U.S. sentencing. A man rapes a woman: 2 years probation! Doesn’t have to register as a sexual offender. A man shares pornography OF BABIES and young girls and judge is iffy on felony or not.

I’d be willing to bet several hundred dollars this guy is some kind of sexually deranged pervert based on how blithely and willingly he shows leniency to the defendants in such cases.

Sad fact: I have braces, so I cannot just bite down on anything. So I feel like an asshole every time I have to cut my pizza or hamburger. So embarrassing.

Feinberg! Awesome!

I feel like “KFC: Republicans Love It!” might not be a very effective advertising campaign.

This is the blogging I need, the blogging I deserve.

She also didn’t know she why lying about pretty much anything but being able to walk. She didn’t even know her own age because her mother lied to keep her under control.

She killed her captor to escape being a hostage. The boyfriend committed murder, but she escaped an entire lifetime of captivity and brainwashing.

I think that’s probably true. I wonder how much this girl understands about right and wrong? Her mother has made her lie about illness from a very young age. Not to mention, her mother intentionally kept her malnourished and made her take who-knows-what pharmaceuticals for years. I can’t even imagine this girl’s brain