
Oh my god. How horrifying. I’ve encountered Munchausen by Proxy once before, when the manager of my mom’s store was finally exposed. At first, she was a totally charming person who was super good at her job. And we all felt terrible for her because her 5 year old son was constantly sick or recovering from something.

I would second that sentiment, I have an aunt who was evaluated and diagnosed as Munchausen By Proxy. She has THREE kids, and one was almost done with high school by the time she was diagnosed. It’s likely she was standard Munchausen if she would have been diagnosed before kids, and transferred that attention seeking

I agree. Wow, this is a horrible story. Someone like this, I am not sure if they met the criteria to just up and move out from their mother like another person from an abused household would. Because as long as the mom existed, she could always try and contact her daughter and do the abuse over and over. This is awful

Eh, I think she was fully justified. Hopefully she gets out earlier rather than later. This woman isn’t a danger to society, just towards a “mother” who abused the living hell out of her.

This story is CRAZINESS... Munchausen’s by Proxy and a collusion over murder would be enough on its own, but there’s also that the mom got knocked up by her (at the time) underage boyfriend, caring neighbors who had the same last name and were harassed by internet detectives over a GoFundMe page, and the catfishing of

This actually sounds like self-defense. I realize it doesn’t fit the legal definition, but given the torture this woman endured at her mother’s hands, is it really so difficult to understand how someone in her position could snap?

I don’t mean that people first language is weird. I mean that the “color” part is strange, as white people also have a color.

Not offensive.

When talking about racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia in particular, I use the terms “black people” and/or “brown people” to mean just about anyone who is not white and therefore is a target of some form of bullshit or another (especially lately). I am a white person. It never occurred to me that such terms might be

Me too. Technically all people have a color. I guess it is a way to beat around the bush and not say “non-white people”.

The thing that bothers me is that her preferred pronunciation is not correct in German. It would be if it were spelled Streissand or Streißand, but it’s not, and I haven’t seen any indication of a change at Ellis Island or anything like that. Her grandparents were from a section of modern Poland that was part of the

Dude, I’ve spent entire semesters with students calling me by a completely different name. I’d kill for my real name mispronounced right now.

What an awful story.

I’m sorry.

Because the arguments are so very weak. You could make any of the same arguments for banning romantic comedies.

I have had intense technical difficulties tonight, but I managed to make it!

With who knows what’s going to happen to GM... just wanted to say thanks to the folks I’ve talked to over the years. I’m not always the nicest commenter and, unfortunately, get the most zealous when I am reading and imbibing.

A woman in Starbucks was yelling at the employees for getting her drink wrong, even though she didn’t know what a frappucino meant. I got involved and asked her to lower her voice because she was being an asshole. Turned to me and shoved her hand in my face and said “well at least I don’t have a nose axe,” referring

What was done to her was beyond unforgivable. But it wasn’t the porn’s fault; it was solely the fault of the evil waste of life who abducted her. Blaming porn is like blaming video games for Columbine.

I feel like a person whose introduction to porn was their rapist abductor kind of doesn't have the most level starting point for a conversation about the subject. But maybe that's just me.