
Fuck, that’s awful. I mean I don’t know if it’s more awful or less awful than if his father had successfully killed all of them. Why can’t they just start with the suicide instead of the murder?

I’m not surprised. The only murder victim I’ve ever known was killed by his own father. The father shot the whole family and himself. The little boy died but everyone else including the murderer survived.

For those who inanely speculated about which parent was the perpetrator and guessed (or made an “informed decision” from your couch) correctly, claim your prize: A family is dead, guns are still too accessible to those who cause domestic disturbances and masculinity can still be toxic and deadly. But you were right

Our local news reported that there was a note from the father found saying that he bought the gun to do this >:(

I am still experiencing complete anger and shock over this news. I knew this family and spent time with the 2 older kids, especially Lianna. The whole community will be in mourning for a long time.

Why is it so fucking common that the guy has some hurdle in his life and he kills the people he should be loving and protecting? It wouldn't ever occur to me to kill my family because I lost a job, or money is tight, or my husband left, or a thousand other crappy week items.

Anyone with just passing knowledge of domestic violence would have known it was the father who killed the family and then himself. I knew when it was reported that the dog was also killed. These kinds of murders are about dominance and control.

So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.

This is the worst fucking thing I’ve ever heard. How the fuck can you shoot your own children? Your own wife? This is so horrific. That’s about as much commentary as my brain can muster right now.

But by all means, let’s make it easier for everyone to purchase a gun!

Many men and women can survive through violence, sexual violence and group sexual violence. It will be extremely difficult for them to overcome what has happened but with validation, acceptance, health care and their community support it can happen.

“There is no kind of suffering we haven’t seen....We are all children.”

I don’t think she was being shady. I think she just means that the halftime show is a spectacle and the focus isn’t on the songs. She criticizes people in her audience who are on their phone, so I don’t think she would want to stand in the middle of a big field surrounded by hundreds of dancers and animatronic

She’s British. By citizenship, she’s required to turn down anything called football when it's not soccer.

Good. Superbowl performers don’t get paid. I wouldn’t put on a free show for a shady miserable corporation worth billions either. Wish more people would stop supporting their bullshit.

I love her even more now. Has anyone ever turned it down? And everyone is judged pretty harshly. So, you go girl, knowing what works for you and doing what is best for you. She rules!

I've worked with kids who had similar conditions in group homes and this makes me sick to my stomach. He saw someone vunerable and targeted her. The fact that he can get off with just a slap on the wrist is disgusting.

I’m so sick of this “this is his first offense” and “prison will do him no good” bullshit. It is really easy not to fucking rape people. Don't do it even once and no jail; do it one time and fuck you.

“Prison would not do this kid any good”

Since when are we supposed to be concerned about the ‘good’ of a rapist?
A rapist who targeted and heinously assaulted a mentally ill woman no less?

“Anyone who has a daughter should be appalled by this”

ANYONE should be appalled by this. Fuck you if you aren’t.