
I am totally and completely pro-breastfeeding and definitely think this woman should be able to feed her child wherever, but we’re talking about a toddler here, not an infant (at least that’s what I’m assuming, it sounds like she says her girl is 18 months?) so at that point there should generally be some other forms

As a never-to-be mom, I really have no horse in this race. I do think the store was completely in the wrong here. That said, I do have a big Liz Lemon eye roll for any mothers that talk about how their kids “can’t wait” (They can. They may not like it, but they can.) to eat and they refuse to let their poor babies

He likes you too... as long as you’re not one of those Christ-killing Jews. You aren’t, are you?

What kind of weird cannibalistic family are you a part of?

This is such bullshit. I pointed this out to someone who is a “supporter”. Their response would have been funny had it not been chilling. She said “Well, in my day a woman knew her place. You don’t speak out against those who are wealthier because they are more powerful. This little girl (ACK!!!!) should be covering

I remain 100% against the death penalty.

I can believe it. Back when I reported my own rape, the reporting officer asked me no less than 3 times if I was sure if that was what had happened and then when I got down to SVU, the detective that took the next report treated me like I was wasting his time. I felt like a piece of shit and wanted to drop the whole

DJ has 5 inches and 35lbs of muscle on Vin.. it wouldn’t be much of a fight. I’d like to see it since I’ve never cared much for Vin.

It’s blocked in the UK. Could you tell us what happens please? Does Jack pop up as an inferi?

Guys, guys, guys... It’s not like he did something serious like smoke marijuana. Those monsters deserve to be in jail for life.

Sounds like men are getting ‘one free rape per lifetime’ sentences.

Depending on the terms of probation it could be anything from ever smoking marijuana, being drunk, not reporting, or being arrested for anything else ever.

Women often aren’t any better, sadly.

Pictured: Rapist

I read this through rage-fogged eyeballs. Because this shit just makes me so mad I can barely think straight...

I don’t know that there is any great result for anybody.

Lone Star. I came out of the movie thinking “well...if they’re not having kids is it really so awful?” Shortly after I read where it’s unlikely for parents who are first cousins or more distant relations than that to produce abnormal offspring. I’ve been oddly unconcerned with consensual incest ever since. The only

I’m looking forward to when Chelsea runs out of friendly greetings and vaguely flirtatious nicknames (‘pretty lady’, ‘beauty’) and has to resort to foriegn words and overt sexual harrassment. (“Willkommen, honey drawers!”, “Hola, sugar tits!”)