A lot of Gawker Media writers consistently demonstrate the professionalism and maturity level of an average 7th grader.
A lot of Gawker Media writers consistently demonstrate the professionalism and maturity level of an average 7th grader.
Ugh, Lindy was the worst. Her lack of fundamental knowledge on anything related to Science and weight loss was headache inducing.
Pointless squabbling with another commenter; I can’t even remember all the details, but it wasn’t even anything aimed at a writer. My prior bannings were usually done on Lindy West stories, probably because I committed the unpardonable sin of disagreeing with Lindy West on something, but after she left my last screen…
Obviously not. If it was to keep us from seeing rape .gifs and other horrible trolls it would be one thing. However it’s been continuously used to, as you said, demote commenters. It’s ridiculous. I used to comment all the time and now I barely ever do. Constantly grey’d and I’m not even very controversial...
I was too, but it does say she worked for an English-language station. That likely has something to do with it.
Emadi’s presents his line of reasoning as very simple: “I’ve always helped you. I’ve always been there for you. Whenever you wanted something, I’ve helped you. I’m not asking you to kill someone. You can help me as a friend. You can have sex with me as a friend.”
The comments on her facebook page are sad as hell. “Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing,” and “You could have just left.” UGH.
The whole “Oh yeah? Why didn’t he harass ME then?” thing is something I’ve seen way too much of. Either directly from someone who feels insulted (“He never hit on me and there’s no way he would have gone for you over me”) or indirectly (“He worked with plenty of women I know and they had no problem with him.”) We have…
I was ungreyed at Gawker for like a week and then said something in disagreement with the tone of an article and back to the greys I went lol. Honestly, I prefer it down here (mostly bc I get ungreyed by others anyway) bc it’s like the writers can’t wait to use what little power they have to ‘demote’ you. I feel like…
She seems to take offense very easily.
God, the writers here can be so thin skinned.
I dont disagree. However, I believe the sanctions were from his unethical interviewing practices not sexual harassment. For that he endure the same humiliation.
Kara Brown took offense at this.
Sometimes I think a possible black face, yellow face or the ambiguous brown face situation is the most exciting thing for some people on the Internet. It’s like popping a zit for them, so obnoxious and enraging but super satisfying for them when they totally crush the person who dared wear purple paint on their white…
I mean, we finally get around to trying to end this shit at home, and we’re going to greet our alien neighbors like that, too?
Sigh, people get bent out of shape over the dumbest things when there are far worse issues happening world wide.
Alien appropriation is unacceptable.
In clearer photos, it looks exactly like bright purple paint and that they’re dressed like sparkly Aliens. Try posting those photos and see what kind of traction you get with this ridiculous non-story.
Like alienface is ok ....sheesh....