
Your family moving here illegally doesn't make me more interested in letting immigrants into the states.

“We need to stand up to reactionary policies aimed at targeting and criminalizing the immigrant community.”

“Reactionary” policies?

That’s great and all, but we can’t even take care of our documented poor. Get on the grid and pay taxes, and you’re good. If you’re caught living here illegally, you should be fined but given a chance to naturalize. If you really can’t be bothered, then it probably isn’t a dire need for you to be here.

A plane is not your living room.

Why can’t people just eat food and shut the fuck up.

Hmm. Would this be the same US House Oversight Committee that has investigated Benghazi 8,975 times? But they are not gonna question Gov. Rick Kiddie Poisoner, because WE’RE ALL REPUBLICANS HERE, SO IT’S COOL, BRO?

It would be nice if the crazies actually targeted a deserving asshole for once.

I'd say he deserves to drink the water for a year, like these poor people did. He knew, they ALL KNEW. I'm having rage strokes.

I hope it happens. Everytime I talk to my parents I just thank the Flying Spaghetti monster we didn’t grow up in Flint. At least they’re still on Detroit water... :(

I don’t condone violence but it would not surprise me if someone assassinated Snyder. The amount of hate that is being leveled at him in local news articles is pretty bad. The fact that he has come out and said that replacing the pipes isn't going to happen has really amped up the anger. The whole situation is a mess

Reason I left my ex husband was because a friend came forward like that. I believed her, and thanked her, asked for the divorce the next day, began hearing from a deluge of other friends he'd done it to them too, and went back to that first friend and thanked her again.

I think it’s more of a way to shame or humiliate the men who send them, but I can agree that as a mother I wouldn’t want to see that. Maybe if she just told them what their sons were up to rather than sending a vulgar photo.,.

Thank you! If my sister sent someone an unwanted picture of her poon, I would feel really violated if that person tracked me down to tell me about it.

Leaving out the egregious line-crossing by these dudes for a moment and speaking purely aesthetically... is a cellphone-shot, context-free amateur dick pic even remotely attractive? I mean, I’m sure there are a few, but in general? Dicks- and I’m speaking as an owner of one- are fun and functional but deeply

Analog dick pics! OMG

A post has been making the Facebook rounds about a woman who sends pictures of her shits to guys who send her dick pics.

In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.