
Distractions. Also, venting. But mostly distractions. Finding things to do. When my ex-fiance ghosted on me and left me for a 17 year old girl, I just exercised a lot and confided in those who would listen, even if I was repeating myself. But I tend to get angry and not stay sad for long... and being angry helps me

It probably didn’t help saying you were judgmental about it - that can be interpreted as an attack. However, you did come off as sincere and not unkind, and you are definitely someone I would preferred to have a talk about polyamory and/or open marriages with compared with some of the other folks here who would not

You’re right. She’s a (famous) criminal, not a celebrity.

Once I saw an advertisement in the Stranger some years ago and Vili was/is a DJ and he and Mary had a “Hot for Teacher” gig at a club... I had no idea how to feel about it. I mean, they’re both adults, but.... NOW she wants to be a teacher again??? HELL NO.

I’ve seen her up close. She certainly has, but she’s aged well.

I met her once at my work. She was a bitch. Maybe she was having a bad day. (Like any celebrity I encounter, I treat them like anybody else, so I didn’t make a big deal she was that famous child rapist and was professional.) I guess I expected her to have a more teacherly / motherly aura...

If you havevent already, try Zero Water? It does a fantastic job of filtering out bad tastes.

Look at us lonely weirdos, still in le grays. We can be gray buddies. Uh, not the 50 Shades kind, ofc...

I understand what you mean, wanting to learn about the person, why they do what they do, their motives - but to me personally it just seems to be the same, especially with the tone of this author's request to interview them. I think the less attention, the better, however, in Robert's case I have to admit: the

Oh. Well. I'm constantly graysss so what would I know, haha.

They supposedly took the pictures down (I refuse to visit that site to double-check), so I'm not sure she can do anything. But I'm no legal expert.

I'm sorry you're going through that. But I love how you're able to be humorous about it.

I think s/he went out of the grays because people replied to the post.

I actually LOL'd.

Yes, Jezebel, let's glorify this criminal who sympathized with a sociopath and even tried to arrange his escape.

This is for retail, but anytime I was working part time, I was always promoted to full time quickly: working any hours they asked, coming in whenever someone called out sick, and was always on time if not early. (And at least in Washington state, if you work 30 hours or more each week, they legally have to promote you

It should be mandatory that people work at least 2 years of service/retail in their lives. Not the cushy kind, either.

As a fellow introvert, I know the feels! (I've tried branching out to make friends, but it seems like all the guys have something else in mind... and women find me repulsive. )

I lived with my sister and her then husband once; they were messy slobs. Or rather, he was, as things are much tidy now with her current husband.

zomg, my.thoughts the entire time!