
Getting his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, son!

I’ll say this about cheesy earnestness: thank fucking God. We’ve had decades of troubled superheros, deconstructed superheroes, grimdark superheroes. We can’t even have a fun, uplifting Superman. So I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see some idealistic, heart-on-the-sleeve earnestness for a change. That was

Hello, did somebody order a gif?

Sam’s speech was a big swing but when he said “The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.” I found myself doing a big, unironic, corny head-nod.

I appreciate the mention of how Karli and Sharon were underserved by the series’ 6-hour movie feel. One of the virtues that television has over film is that it’s easier to stop for a moment and dedicate time to supporting members of the ensemble without sacrificing the greater story arc of the leads, but Falcon and

I mean, why the hell would they introduce him to the show when they are a loooooong way off from filming an FF movie? It just wouldn’t make sense. Mephisto would make more sense and I figured he was an obvious red herring some fans had kind of made up for themselves. 

While lack of income may make it easier for the bank manager to deny the loan, the legacy of the real world USA would suggest that we cannot ignore the dynamics race plays in the interaction (and I felt the subtext of the scene supported Germain’s interpretation).

The way Sam kept ignoring his sister’s doubts and didn’t listen to anything she was trying to tell him made it very clear she will be right. I mean I hated the bank clerk before we even see him because I already knew how that conversation was going to play out and the initial smarm just made the whole thing laid

Sam humors his new pal before heading back to DC where we circle back to the first scene with Cap’s shield. Turns out, he’s decided to donate Cap’s shield to the Smithsonian exhibit seen in The Winter Soldier.

See, I saw the “oh, there’s this five-year gap in your financial history, sorry” as exactly the sort of thing an institution would use as a “formal” excuse when really they just don’t wanna give the loan.  Especially in America, and in situations where race and class are in play but the loan officer wants to pretend

I suppose it’s churlish to ask why Rhodey and/or Cap didn’t check on Sam’s family - surely they would have met at some memorial service for the Snapped - and then place a call to Tony to do a $250k biz grant?

The MCU has always killed “enemies” in Warzones.

I gotta say, if Steve Rogers had walked into that bank, they’d have given him a loan. 

When exactly have they not killed in the MCU? All the way back to the first film.

Uh-oh. We’ve got one of those “I don’t see color!!1!”/”You must be the real racist since you keep talking about racism!!!!” racists.

You should probably not watch this show. It’s going to be way above your knuckle-dragging IQ.

(Or maybe you should watch the show so that the pew pew kablam pow action scenes will draw in

You do realize that there is no intention of ‘accomodation’, when the ban is placed before women even realize they are pregnant.

Those adjustments CAN be made, but AREN’T. That’s the point. These laws aren’t about the ‘consequences of irresponsible and unprotected sex’, these laws are about controlling women. Not all pregnancies are a result of unprotected sex - you realize that, right? And I’m not even talking about rape right now.

Oh, honey, you know those three rapes were only instances of sex you regret. There are consequences for your actions. You should be stoned to death.” —said too many conservatives after reading her account.

Stupid question, but do we KNOW for sure that the rape shit was nixed? Because I want to believe it but I double checked the article and it said nothing about that.

Rape factory? I must've missed something.