
They would LOVE to trot her out as their token. “Libruls won’t be able to play their gender card then, haw haw!” (Conservatives are known for laboring under the sexist misapprehension that Democrats won’t attack another woman if she’s evil or unqualified. Snrk.)

Bullshit about her ever having been a moderate. Long before Trump she was antichoice, anti public school, pro stop and frisk, pro voter suppression, anti labor, and tried to make BDS a felony. Since Trump, on top of all that, she’s been warmongering her ass off, sometimes in defiance of the UN - even pulling the US

“I believe that in theory people should help each other and have rights, but I will do nothing to make sure that happens in practice”

“fiscally conservative, socially liberal”

The gross part is how many “fiscally conservative, socially liberal” folks still think she is “a moderate”. I don’t fucking get it.

Professors of Moral Philosophy must have a lot of free time to work out.

It’s amazing what you won’t find when you don’t look for it.

Not just women politicians. Weren’t they chanting Lock Her Up about Ford at one of these rallies?

Wait running a smear campaign is criminal?

And yet.... The moment a Democratic contender’s crowd starts cheating “lock him up” about this clearly criminal and possibly treasonous fuck Fox News is going to start pearl clutching about "Dems anti-Democratic chants" and talking about how "in their insane rage the Dems are holding lynch mobs and calling for the

Awww... look at the little troll presenting an opinion piece like it’s fact. You are so adorable.

He said he wants to put up the WALL so it would discourage people from coming here illegally and, instead, would come in through the legal process. Because there are so many legal ways to come into the US for poorly educated Central Americans without specialized skills (/s).

Trump supporters are actually trying to defend his tax fraud. My god. This is insanity. And saying that Trump shouldn’t pay taxes, because of his “lifetime of achievements”? He was fucking born into wealth. That’s not an achievement. Even then, as he grew older, as the report says, he kept failing at everything he did

Third, the duchess had to appear for press hours after giving birth, and whether it’s right or wrong, it’s part of her position and she agreed to do it.

Third, the duchess had to appear for press hours after giving birth, and whether it’s right or wrong, it’s part of her position and she agreed to do it.

I’m honestly baffled how you could interpret it the way they’re running with it - i mean, I get it. Because they want the fight. They want women to be attacking each other so they’re not attacking them. But like - Jesus. I feel for both these women in this instance, and for people putting fights on them that neither

Just because an unspecified number of a particular race say they aren’t offended by something doesn’t mean it’s not offensive.  The “Asked My Black Friend” defense doesn’t work anymore.  

Because they still do it. Gunn has long since apologized and made an effort to be a better person. Matt and Trey have not. 

Amd they will do so in the usual fashion: by implying that both sides are wrong because they care about things and if you care about things you’re a terrible person.

South Park’s record of having their cake and eating it, too, is unmatched.