
hey girl, whats ursine?

“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”

Oh this sounds really good

Interesting anime, still not getting Anime Strike to watch it.

Brad Smith and Intuit works by lobbying endlessly to prevent Americans from being able to file tax returns for nothing! Talk about a fluffing interview.

Viewer: “Philadelphia has tremendous upside potential, but a lot of character concerns.”

Ron Jaworski says it’s a good deal because 40 million people are going to see the city reflected well on TV.

In a further statement, ORU President Billy Wilson told the men’s basketball team he had a vision from a 900 foot tall John Wooden that they have to win 2018 NCAA title or God is going to “call him home”.

I just don’t know if I can even feel proud to live in a country where the President doesn’t own a modeling agency.

informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency

please accept my apology - i’m really sorry that it came to this.

Obama care isn’t the Heritage Plan, but it is the Heritage Plan approach. The issue was how to get people medical coverage, and the two options were the liberal government healthcare plan vs the conservative free market plan. Heritage was the primary driver behind the idea that mandating people buy insurance would

Though I concur with this article, I would like to point out that it is not just men. Most of the political writing on gizmodo media or whatever this is now completely ignore the existence of conservative women. There are just as many of them and their vote counts just the same and no matter what people say, they

To further clarify, the GOP knew - every single time they voted to repeal the ACA - that it would not work because Obama was in the White House.

There are three other factors that need to be considered. First gerrymandering inherently makes it so that more extreme/partisan candidates get elected. The Republicans are better at it, and have more heavily gerrymandered seats, so they’re the ones who get pushed further out of control. Which feeds back into the

Just to clarify, the ACA/Obamacare was the Republican healthcare plan. It was designed by the Heritage Foundation.

This was beautiful.