
Not really. The holes in the ball are like for childrens fingers, so a typical adult male cannot fit their fingers in the ball. Since the ball is somewhat slippery and you won't have a great grip on the finger holes, it's hard to use 100% of your availible strength/arm speed. If you did you probably wouldn't have

Lemme get this straight. All UK products are vigorously inspected, yet inferior meat can be imported? Sounds like you are handicapping your own agricultural industry while allowing outside companies to have an advantage.

1) Why are you reading/commenting on a 2 week old article. Really?

In the US we have tighter emissions regulations when it comes to diesels. That's the primary reason why more diesel cars aren't over here, because of regulations. So diesels are cleaner over here.

Looks like they really are like Americans, at least when it comes to gluttony. I would soooo eat that!

Brilliant! It literally took me 24 hours to get this. I saw the Go Cart Track Severed Head Picture in the Beyonce photoshop article and it just clicked. I guess I didn't put the two articles together in my mind. Not sure if anyone else got this reference, but I'll show my appreciation!

Now playing

Semi-famous viral video. original:

I honestly thought this article would be pretty aweful, but I thought is was a good article. The way I would sum it up for guys out there, just act like you would approaching another guy.

Doesn't get much more lesbian than that!

Notice in his reply to this comment he never actually addresses your comment. Misdirection FTW!

If you have braces and your friends have enough money to rent a Camaro SS, your parents should have enough money to live in a school district where you can actually have a halfway decent education.

Considering the US supplies 40% of its own oil and has vast Marcellus shale natural gas reserves, not really. Theoretically, becoming energy independent would be a possibility for the US. Iraq probably only makes up less than 5% of our countries oil use.

Well played sir, well played.

You're new here aren't you?

Except here most trucks go 70 to 75 mph. That's 25 mph faster than in Denmark. Which essentially just proved Hadakens point.

too soon?

My first thought. Not sure I'd dig the theme? though.

Actually many scientists now believe that the speed of light can be altered and is variable.

Your lack of historical knowledge is galling and hilarious. My views aside, I think you meant a time before Everson v. Board of Education and Engel v. Vitale which wasn't decided until 1962. Before then officially sponsored prayer in school was normal. However, this mural was put up after 1962, so you do have an