
Your lack of historical knowledge is galling and hilarious. My views aside, I think you meant a time before Everson v. Board of Education and Engel v. Vitale which wasn't decided until 1962. Before then officially sponsored prayer in school was normal.


I'll agree with that. I though you were agreeing with me on that, so I didn't address it. There is a huge difference between getting blamed for something, and taking responsibility for correcting something that wasn't of your own doing.

Except that there is no documented, tangible evidence that Wikipedia editors foster a misogynist environment that is hostile to women editors. It's mostly unfounded speculation. If you provide evidence, I'll support your viewpoint. Unlike much of internet commentariat, I don't form my opinions based on speculation,

Notice I said "premier ride." This is an important distinction. Make no mistake about it, Newman-Hass is a premier ride as Stewart won the champtionship. Trevor Bayne drove for the Wood Brothers, hardly a competitive race team. My argument is that Patrick does not deserve the chance to be in a premier, potentially

If we don't know if it's Wikipedia's fault (which all evidence points to them not contributing to the problem), why run sensationalist headlines and slightly misleading article. While the article itself is fairly well-written, it is far too focused on Wikipedia rather than addressing the root causes. I think you are

How exactly is that Wikipedia's fault?

I really think it is that out of line. I can't think of any driver that got a premier ride in the top level series after getting results *that* mediocre, especially considering getting a ride in the top series is nearly impossible these days. In the last four years, just two Nationwide drivers have landed top level

But does she deserve a full season in the Sprint Cup series given her pedestrian record/results in the Nationwide series? There are drivers in the Nationwide series and Truck series that have waaaay better results than her. She has zero business being in the Sprint cup series until she is a consistant Top-5 or even

...and hot. There are several women in the Nascar nationwide series and several in IRL. She was just one of the first and had the right marketing team. She's got talent, but most of her opportunites have come because of her marketability. She's gotten opportunities over more qualified drivers because of the money

To be fair, they've been close friends for 3 years. So it's not like they barely knew each other.

Except you don't have a cadre of mechanics to travel with you and keep it running. ;)

Bad research on women's health? Try bad research everywhere!

So you're saying you like to look at anal prolapses?

For a spilt second, I thought the tagline was LOL Holtz. Which is just as applicable.

Not to nitpik, but it said up to 5 million women have it. If you assume there 120 million women in the US (removing children), that would be 4%.

I guess I support this, as long as it's 100% merit based. If you grade women soldiers on a curve for combat readiness then you not only put their lives in danger, but others as well. It's one thing to admit women to the military based on a sliding scale, it's another thing to do it for actual combat. Think about it,

Neither does Pennsylvania, so essentially this guy is wasting his time as the camera is useless.

That's right! Forgot about that. So the camera is essentially useless.

That's right! Forgot about that. So the camera is essentially useless.