Fark Wad

Isn’t this the ‘safe space’ yall wanted with no slurs? JFC. The hypocrisy on display is staggering

Year after year, the reminder that ‘Person of the Year’ is not a statement of popularity but rather a referendum on who the most consequential person was for the world at large that year.

And I am still quite pissed that the Hong Kong freedom fighters did not win over Greta in 2019.

Welcome to hell.

huh huh huh dude weed lmao huh huh huh

This looks so damn cheap. All the money went into some post gimmicks and none into an actual backdrop. Shitty color-corrected greenscreen bullshit. 

Blade Runner is a freebie. Kingdom of Heaven Director’s Cut is remarkable. Black Hawk Down is good. Alien is excellent. I’ll always back Gladiator despite it being wildly historically inaccurate. It’s just got so much heart.

Good. Quit Bitching. 

C’mon Ridley. You’ve earned enough credit to go out with a bang. Shoot the Nick Cave version. We need a new bug-fuck crazy, big-budget midnight movie. 

Whoops! Guess they went too woke for the woke crowd and done tripped over themselves.

Boy that joke about a highly-plausible COVID origin story really Rustled Some Jimmies around here, huh?

Rename him to Bill Cosby. 

How about a LIFETIME off of Twitch? For everyone?

Like many a Netflix money laundering scheme production, this looks cheap, tacky and guaranteed to be canceled before the story reaches conclusion. hard pass

How about we burn down the Twitch servers?

Maybe a controversial opinion here but I thought (and still think) Ron White is funny as hell.

I also won’t be remotely surprised when he is the first of the BCCT quad to die, likely of liver failure.

Imagine thinking that you playing a fucking video game on camera makes you a Notable Person with a Worthwhile Opinion. Get real

Didn’t hate this, didn’t love it. I could definitely tell that it was made for a certain type, and I hope they enjoy it. 

Rogue One brought real weight to the life-or-death situation of war. (Yes, a fantasy space war with lasers, pew pew, but still)

The whole tone of this movie was either clueless or intentional ‘fuck you’ inauthentic.

half the movie was a ‘what the fuck is this?’, every good and unique idea was quickly blown out by scenes featuring idiot logic and nonsensical physics (EVEN by Star Wars standards!)

It’s not that it was ‘controversial in its choices’. It’s that it was sloppy as fuck, with many creative choices appearing to be direct fuck-yous.