Fark Wad

You lefties and your purity tests.

Mishima!! Where is it!!!

Can’t even write a proper fuckin headline, this site lol

Gitmo for Rogen. That was a sick, dark, worthless, completely bankrupt pile of shit film.

Your rampant nihilism and flagellating and undisciplined sarcasm just heaves and expels shit all over the floor. Try to be better.

It looks like focus-grouped bullshit for the increasingly sucky theater experience. People have better things to do. 

Of course, that’s the point. This site is only for groupthink now. 

The current ‘writers’ at AV Club could not tongue celebrities’ assholes anymore than they are doing so right now (this is not a challenge to prove me wrong, mind)

The corpse of this site is run by nutless chucklefucks. That’s right keep me in the ‘grays’ assholes. 

Fucking fuck this site. Wearing the AV Club’s dead skin on it like a costume.

This site exists only to make people nostalgic for the better days (hell, even the mediocre days) of old AVClub.

Why do I still come here? I dunno. Why do people still smoke knowing it’s killing them slowly?

Hackman would have outright decked him. He was close to decking Wes as it was already. 

“The Northman”? Anyone? No? 

Bra-fuckin-vo buddy.

This is un-fucking-readable. The AV Club, now famous for bloviating struggle sessions that masquerade as reviews.

And I’m not even defending this obvious crap movie either. The standards for this site have utterly and wholly collapsed, to be fed on by fringies and Stockholm syndromers.

Do you want diversity or do you not? Women can and should and will play villains too. Sheesh

We want and are proud to show TITS!.... until we are NOT!!!!!!!!

And while SNL’s political satire continues to dish some weak sauce, Johnson’s Biden is at least as much of an upgrade as the actual Biden is over Trump.”

I gladly voted for Biden to defeat Trump, but maybe read some news before you make statements like this, we’re still knee deep in shit...

no u. lol 

So, they’re practically -begging- for this to be bootlegged. Is Kazaa still around?