Didn’t Pizza Hut make a pizza with hot dogs in the crust or something, even the black bun burgers from McDonalds in Japan were tame compared to that lmao.
Didn’t Pizza Hut make a pizza with hot dogs in the crust or something, even the black bun burgers from McDonalds in Japan were tame compared to that lmao.
It would be less irritating if they had some sort of party finder in game instead of making you go out of the game and browse around the internet to find groups, which gets really tedious, because most of the groups are shit anyway. FFXIV does it, and it works well.
It wasn’t a financial failure at all, but it was a failure in terms of actually being memorable or useful to consumers.
The people behind Ouya made a load of money but basically anyone wanting to use it to play games in the long run got screwed, and from the sound of it, so did the game developers. I never really…
They could be putting their efforts on helping Black Mesa finish Xen instead lmao
Fallout 3 environment > New Vegas environment.
Fallout 3 in my opinion did a better job telling a story with the world and how it was built, the contents of it felt more interesting to me, while New Vegas kinda felt like regular Nevada but with Deathclaws and old buildings and was a tad more linear. Bethesda is really…
Right? Its not like there are other games that give you that choice? Maybe this isn’t the game you should play??? And again, not having choices for gender in game is nothing new, now that you are just forced to possibly be a woman though, god forbid that, not like male characters have been the majority of protagonists…
Most video games have only males as a character, though. So seeing people complain about playing as a female? Its kinda obnoxious. At least I don’t play Rust, so I don’t have to deal with a community seemingly so uncomfortable about women haha.
It’s not too implausible, someone could use something like procedural generation to generate random powers/unique mutie characters.
I know right? A game *possibly* forcing you to play as a woman, I can’t imagine what it must be like to have to play as a gender that breaks immersion that you don’t relate to, I mean, knowing that gender is so diverse with protagonists, so as I woman I never experience that broken immersion because woman are readily…
Seriously, that bomb threat stuff isn’t a fucking joke, the fact he gets to walk free after that honestly terrifies me. Threatening hundreds of lives isn’t funny.
Honestly? These kids are the same kinda kids that wind up doing school shootings (I mean he did call in a bomb threat, if which was real would’ve killed HUNDREDS of people, that alone shouldn’t fucking fly, that bs would get you in so much trouble in the US, it’s not funny or excusable), because it’s that same…
By being bad parents?? They could’ve done a better job raising their kid? You bring a life into this world, you should be expected to properly raise them and not allow them to be a menace to society.
Yeah because threatening 100+ people’s lives w/ a bomb threat is y know, just kids being kids!
I’m really glad that Pillars was so successful, I’d like to see Obsidian stick around for a very long time.
I’d love for them to make another Fallout game, New Vegas > Fallout 3.
Actually, I would rather see Bethesda give free reign of the Fallout series to Obsidian, they’re just way better with the writing/choice aspects.
I’ve watched some of his videos and I’m not a fan, there are funnier and better “Lets Players” out there (birgirpall, cr1tikal), but he doesn’t seem like a bad person, I CAN say that his videos are a lot less obnoxious than Shane Dawson’s videos, I remember he was kind of the youtube sensation when I was in middle…
Yeah Pewds, if its not important, mind sharing some of it with me?
Terrorism is a stretch, obviously, but you’re right about the sentencing. They really think a “rehab” program is really gonna reshape this kid? He should be getting a harsher punishment, what’s to stop him from going right back to hacking and crime under a new name, with new IP, after his sentence is over? It isn’t…
can you imagine using a controller flipped like that though?! It would be so frustrating lol.
It’s not really hard to explain, the last gen has 500mb of memory, while the current gen has about 8 gigabytes. Have you tried playing GTA 5 or DA:I on a PC from 2005? Because that’s basically what playing a game on the last gen is.
The thing is adding a big DLC is gonna use more memory, more memory than the last gen…