
Considering how not cheap school is, this article is a little irritating to read, if I could actually afford school I’d go haha. This guy obviously has parents backing him giving him the opportunity to be all choosy with school and the opportunity to just play DOTA for months instead of working a shitty job to pay

Are you nuts? English is one of the most over-complicated languages there is. Half of it doesn’t even make sense. Maybe it’s easy if English or similar languages are your first, but compared to an Asian language it’s way more confusing. I’m a native English speaker and I think it’s confusing as fuck.
Also ironically,

So vacations are only valid when you drop thousands of dollars to travel or visit family? Otherwise you’re not aloud to take time to relax and do something you enjoy, like playing video games? That’s stupid.
Nah, everyone should just work and never take time off for you know, sanity. Work is the only reason you exist,

Yeah because English is a really easy language to learn, especially in like, a day!


Some people took time off work to play it, if I was Korean and I took time off and wasn’t even able to play a game in my language that I dropped 65 bucks on I’d be pissed. Who knows the next time I’d be able to take time off work? Kind of a bummer.
Plus it says it would be in the game, and it’s not, that’s just

Well if they scrapped the whole “tan/grey CoD military aesthetic” it could’ve been good, it kinda just looked like every other modern shooter in this version.


Even if Kickstarter isn’t an investment per say, there is no denying that there is a risk involved, and you should be willing to accept that risk like a fucking adult, which I would assume you are one if you have 7000k to drop on Kickstarter. Don’t screw over the developers.

From this screenshot from the game’s Steam page it also looks to include GIANT BUGS in which you CAN RIDE LIKE A VALIANT STEED.
I am def down with this game.

I remember I bought this ages ago and NEVER played it, I really regret it, because it seems like these games barely ever make it to the West.

TL;DR: There’s nothing wrong with liking sports, but sports culture is incredibly problematic and denying that is really ignorant, OP’s “stereotypes” might sound juvenile but they have some truth. Also these characters would make a cute show.

Honestly, I’m not a sports person, everytime someone starts talking about sports I kinda just feel like Roy and Moss in that episode of IT Crowd. Sports are just not interesting to me, I don’t get the appeal. These characters are pretty well designed though!

Literally the same thing with me. The last one I played was the 2nd one, kinda checked out on the series after that, then a few years later there’s like 20 more games in the series

They really should’ve talked about the gameplay more or shown more of it, I’ve seen a few unsuccessful kickstarters become successful after showing more off or giving out a demo. When it’s too vague (it was way too vague of an idea to me, the only interesting part really was “bioshock devs”) not many people are gonna

Considering there’s dragons and people existing with dinosaurs I would assume they weren’t aiming for realism or scientific accuracy.

Right? How dare men do something popular with women, god forbid a man be even *slightly* feminine, don’t want your bros thinkin you have a vagina

Just because sexuality or porn makes specifically *you* uncomfortable, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist, remember - everyone on the entire planet has different tastes and beliefs, and aren’t going to change their opinions because *you* don’t like something they like.
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean

But this is also Nintendo, not some lesser known company or developers, they have the name recognition, I don’t think they’ll have all that much trouble.

You might call it... announception. *BWOOOOOONG*