
Right? No Rockstar is just delaying it as a conspiracy against their consumers, they want to destroy their sales! Not like port related bugs or anything or other issues that might be going on.

Assassin's Creed is M?! I honestly didn't know haha. I remember playing it when I was like 14 and thinking it was pretty tame, although for contrast I also played Condemned and a multitude of other horror games when I was 14... of which at the time I was too young for.

I really hate talking to people on the phone but I may give this a try later! Thank you.
I didn't have a lot of games digitally but I did have animal crossing and a few old zelda games.

I discovered it in elementary school, well before the whole "hot topic" boom lmao.
I like it because of the humor, style and dark tone, I remember at the time I hadn't seen anything similar and it's stuck with me since.

The full story with Rival Threads is actually pretty sad, I hope they can pull through.

Speaking of Kickstarters, Strafe was successfully funded, I hope they get the full game out because it looks so great, brings back memories of growing up playing Descent and that weird over the top 90s advertising for games like it

Haha well at least they're giving us fairly regular progress updates with development, even if it is taking forever. I'm looking at you, Valve and Team Ico.

It's weird how appealing a jump mechanic is. Dragon Age Inquisition was a lot more enjoyable than the other games because you could jump.

What they should be doing is stop spending millions of dollars on flops like The Order and spend more money on making the Vita more profitable. I have a Vita and it's really a damn shame Sony doesn't give it more love, it's a good piece of hardware. I have no idea what the Sony "bigwigs" are doing but I'm pretty

I like that they're adding the option but it would be nice to keep both, other games have done it, so there is no reason why Bungie can't.

I really hope God Eater 2 Rage Burst comes to the west, it looks like it's a lot of fun and I wasn't aware it was also heading to the PS4 and not just the Vita!
It does seem like there are a lot of good games coming out soon, Bloodborne, Final Fantasy Type-O, FFXV, Persona 5, MGS, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank is

Well there's gonna be Bloodborne in March, and considering the previous Souls games I pretty much guarantee it's gonna be good, tbh that it's the main reason I bought a PS4.
I know people really generally don't like exclusives, but the PS4 really does need more third party exclusives, most of their exclusives are in

"it feels like a classic PS2 game" Yeah I didn't know games in 2015 were supposed to feel like a game from 2003 lmao.

You really think a degree always merits a job? Nonsense, these people work hard and are not getting compensated for it, it's wrong. Most of the hard working, manual labor jobs are the hardest and half the time people don't get properly paid for it, they're the bottom of the barrel and you really think someone is going

Okay but I know Ammit from the YuGiOh manga terrorizing me as a small child. She's scary.

Miyazaki and Tomino are basically the grumpy anime grandpas.

I went ahead and got one, I was way too excited about the added circle pad tbh, especially since I am dying to play Monster Hunter and that will certainly make it more playable. I suppose I coooould have bought a Circle Pad Pro, but I wanna play Xenoblade anyway so it works out, better to just upgrade while I have the

For me it's certainly a social thing/boredom never a rebellious thing. I found that it helps mediate anxiety in social situations as its something to do and a distraction. I'm not sure why, but when I've smoked at social gatherings it just helps. It's kind of like a nervous habit thing.

Dang, doesn't he have 3 shows under his belt now? The Walking Dead spin-off and this? Guy is gonna be busy.

Oh god I love almond milk, I can't really go back to real milk anymore, it's too gross, heck I thought it was gross as a kid, I would cry when my mom would try to get me to drink glasses of milk. I just wanted orange juice, dammit.
But anyway, I haven't had a glass of milk in AGES because of almond milk, I love it.