
Sorry Mordor Dragon Age still has me in its clutches. Problem with this game is it's so small...

Why is this so strange? kind of just sounds like a general scam albeit pretty clever

Heh, well I guess it's a good thing I have no friends and never got around to doing the raid

lol a Pokemon MMO is a terrible idea

The development is slow because appaaarently the developers are still focused on the Witcher. I am way too excited for this though like they need to pick up the pace give us some gameplay, SOMETHING

She looks fabulous to me idk. A shame we're not getting her in the US, no, we're gonna get some generic beefcake instead because somehow that's more creative and less "lazy" than this.

I never got into the Witcher, I am mostly excited for CD Projekt to finish this up so they can focus fully on Cyberpunk 2077 lol.

The setting seems very cool but seriously stop milking AC so so SO HARD, UBISOFT. If I want Victorian assassins I can go play Dishonored.

Cool man! But why would you want to miss out on the wonderful banter?!

This I both agree and disagree with. For example, my boyfriend had the Black Lotus magic card back when it was new, he sold it for like 500 bucks at the time.

I would say stop being a baby and download big updates before you sleep, I think you'd have a second or two to do that. Then again if it's so unstable where the updates fail that's kind of a big issue. I think this affects people with slow internet more since I don't quite have this issue, plus I'm not going to

Someone from work gave me a matchi Kit-Kat and I thought it was so good. I can see why Japan is obsessed with green tea stuff. It's soooo good.

Wow I want a matchi latte now, I didn't even know that it was thing, I need it. Wonder if there are any places in San Diego that make 'em.

This makes me irrationally angry, why is it so good ugh

wtf are you trying to say? its like a cryptic poem

The Mass Effect trilogy! Xenosaga! Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4! Haunting Ground! And I'm hoping Beyond Two Souls will get TLOU treatment, I want to play it, buuuuut I don't want to hook my ps3 up again for one game. I think there are more games but they're slipping from my mind right now.

You realize with this logic you technically aren't aloud to draw fanart of something? If a company is dickish enough they can send you a cease-and-desist for drawing a picture. Even if you're not making anything from the drawing and it's literally a work of love that you're getting no money out of, this is the same

Well considering most QA employees are at the bottom of the 'employee chain' and are usually shitty temp positions, not that much of a shock.

Well not like this affects me, I doubt it would run at 60 fps on my computer with my shitty video card anyway haha. It barely runs Dragon Age at a consistent frame rate. Buy me a new video card pls.

Doesn't Bloodborne come out spring 2015?