
"Aside from the obvious "women as learning objects that are later murdered" issue, there's another issue at play here, and it's one of craft. Designers shouldn't make kissing and murdering feel the same. At the very least they shouldn't do so when you're trying to make that kiss part of an emotionally connecting

That is literally 20,000+ more than I make in a year, ouch

Got pretty excited seeing that HD Alan Wake stuff, love that game.

Kinda reminds me of Wayne Barlowe's creatures.

Still better voice acting than in Skyrim/Oblivion imo.

It's actually pretty great, other than the non-existent story, I'm obsessed with it.

Dang 21+ hours? That sounds great actually haha.

Someone was actually offended by this? Are you kidding me?

I think it was a smart choice, I'm hoping it'll keep people from being like "BUT THIS GAME WAS NEVER IN THE LOTR BOOKS" or something silly like that.

I think you're right, there are a bunch of maple trees at my parents house and the leaves are as big as your face and the texture is tough, I don't think they'd make a good crunchy treat.

I had no idea maple leaves were even edible.

They're setting up stuff for potential future content to be added, though they did a pretty muddy job of it, FFXIV nailed the whole the 'story progresses with the content patches, doesn't have a complete conclusion' thing. Destiny jumps around WAY too much with what's going on haha.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the game got cut, playing it seems like there are weird gaps in the plot where there SHOULD be something more, it jumps around a lot and not particularly because of bad writing, but because missions were 'deleted' in between existing missions. I remember even hearing awhile ago that Chicago

I'm excited for when I can finally change my PS4's menu color tho

You do realize they just do DDOS attacks right? That's not really that hard to do in the first place, they're just like every other moron vying for attention on the internet.
Whatever, I can just go draw while Destiny is down, because their ~hardcore~ hacking sure is making a change in the world.

Lizard Squad is pretty much that kid from high school who thinks they're incredibly clever for pulling the fire alarm so everyone has to stand outside doing nothing for 2 hours while the fire dept. figures out if there is actually a fire or not.

This is pretty stupid, the whole loot cave thing is dumb. I'm fine level and item wise and I haven't even bothered with the loot cave, the only farming I've done is treasure hunting where you run around and open chests in an area for goodies and it's actually pretty fun and much better than this imo, I was also

Oh good, now they have the manpower to make Warcraft IV, better get on it Blizzard. :p

I'm preeeetty sure I saw you sitting there last night, unless it was another Warlock enjoying the view :p