Fareed Zakaria

you guys run more kneeling during the anthem stories than gawker ran trump stories.

I would expect this kind of story if it was, like, a one-legged player who somehow managed his way through fire-breathing monsters and then nutmegged Ronaldo and THEN Bale.

Florida is also in talks to send a fruit basket...

This may generate some reasonable commentary.

Yea, pretty much Schefter had someone commit a felony for him so just he could have a little more juicy of a scoop. It sucks HIPAA doesn’t extend outside of medical professionals, but I hope Adam doesn’t walk away scratch-free here, this was a super fucking shitty move.

You REALLY don't want to have baseball players weigh in on this....

This kinda feels like this crossing the line. What the woman did was wrong, ironic, kinda funny, but she didn’t harm anyone, and I thought her getting fired in the first place was too much.

It’s going to be a sad day when Adelson sues Deadspin and it has to close down.

I think he just looked into the Ark of the Covenant.

How do you have literally billions of dollars and look like a windburned head of a penis covered in chest hair trimmings?

wait, you think Brazil is the one looking bad here? lol ok


Yeah, I’m not drinking your kool-aid, bud.

You are retard

Those people must be drinking too much firewater!

But why say that when you can complain and make allegations of sexism

Maybe you can cook up a think piece on being a male feminist or post a picture of you with a sign that says “A woman’s place is in the white house”

Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with you idiots that you care what color your knife is. Paying money to change the color of a skin? That’s the epitome of separating an idiot from his money.