Fareed Zakaria

If somebody is able to successfully masturbate to this picture of Adelson, I will give them $1,000,000.

“I’m ordering a complete shutdown on olympic swimmers leaving the country until we can figure out what’s going on” - Rio judge

It’s really canoeist. (I know, I know...)

No but see, fracking happens under the earth, just like geothermal. They’re practically identical twins!

Lol na

Why is it nonsense?

It’s almost as if you don’t understand that daily newspaper front pages use new, original photos — not file photos.

Your understanding of the media is limited and/or misinformed.

Well it’s not that simple. Sometimes a photo is chosen — by a photo editor, designer, photojournalist, etc — because it succinctly illustrates the thrust of the text story and headline. This sounds like what you’re most comfortable with; this is common for designers: they’re trying to unify an entire page into one

Yeah seriously, that’s what I was thinking too. Maybe I’m just an Old Man Yelling at Cloud, but the fact that people will pay real-world money to put virtual makeup on virtual guns, and then throw those virtual makeup guns into a virtual box, and then that virtual box gets thrown into a virtual slot machine — it’s

That’s not a hard rule in publishing or journalism. And they’re not just used to “keep people reading” — ie, to dangle a particularly interesting morsel in front of them. That’s the editor-centric blinders in you talking now — ie, an editor’s job (in the traditional sense of the word) is to make a piece of writing

I try to remember a smiling gap-toothed child with HIV whose greatest joy was to sit on my lap and drink from a bottle of Coca-Cola.

Shit, self-published? Now I (kind of) feel bad about the online campaign against her (and my contribution to it).

haha. a million kinja dollars for you

Actually, you’re onto something. It totally is. Isn’t that boy-founder a Yale guy? Helena is literally what Skull&Bones’ Palo Alto chapter would look like.

The likelihood a band’s music is good is inversely proportional to how quirky their band name is.

are you Every Football Player in my Art History Class? because your weak-ass, half-baked, overwrought interpretations suck

lol wut. the “just a blog” you’re talking about is actually a multi-million dollar company. the “it’s just art, I’m sorry you don’t get it” you’re talking about is actually art in service of an editorial/journalistic story. fuck yes it needs to be faithful to the thesis/“gist”/meaning of the story. It needs to support


The piece is the whole thing: headline, illustrations, text. In editorial work, these things stand together and should be coherent. Any part of a piece is fair game for criticism. Politely and coherently criticizing one part of it — even a small part — is totally fair. Ignoring a less-than-stellar visual concept