Fareed Zakaria

True, WiFi can be used for things other than transferring photos from card to phone. But, in my experience with GoPro’s built in WiFi — in using the phone to act as a second screen and shutter button for the camera — the WiFi is buggy/laggy enough to not be reliable/useful. And the camera connector does let you

True, WiFi can be used for things other than transferring photos from card to phone. But, in my experience with

Nobody should bother buying one of these. The wifi signal is very finicky — (if you’ve ever tried to pair your GoPro to your smartphone via wifi, you’ll understand). And it eats battery power extremely quickly. And it’s difficult to download only a few specific photos — it tries to railroad you into downloading every

Nobody should bother buying one of these. The wifi signal is very finicky — (if you’ve ever tried to pair your GoPro

Ugh I was trying to troll you by being a berniebro. When you have to mansplain the joke it really stops being funny. forget it.

You should support Bernie, then. He’s been fighting against the entrenched conservative interests that your family members so unwaveringly support.

Jacob King

This is a good comment, congrats.

What a shitty thing to say.

Did she say “productition” ?

I’m just glad Deadspin/Gawker chose to credit a photographer for once.

Yep! A sloppy journalist knows a sloppy journalist when he sees one.

When the nail salon story broke we covered it on GPS and invited her on the show. She didn’t do it — likely hiding something.

OK. Well in Margaret Sullivan’s case, it’s her job to critique and report on reporting, so by definition her column has to come after the original stories. And this nail salon story generated a huge reaction — not only with legislators, but with readers too. It’s rare for an investigative piece to hold the attention

OK. Fair enough. But when a publication discloses/acknowledges its slant, I’m more inclined to take its conclusions seriously. Casting off Reason for its slant also (at least to me) would mean that we need to cast off plenty of left-leaning publications and alt-weeklies. (Mother Jones, for example, is a progressive

Did you read them?

Reason is a magazine that accepted funding from the tobacco industry to do hit pieces on consumer advocates. NYRB is, of course, a vanity press that will accept any article that a sufficiently obsessive-compulsive writer will submit. Neither of those are really worth mentioning in opposition to the original expose.

Sarah Maslin Nir has a serious accuracy problem. This is the NYT correction that was needed for her simple writeup, from yesterday, about the Mast Brothers Chocolategate:

My favorite Mast Brothers chocolate flavor is their sea salt and beard hairs one. That flavor wasn’t available when they first started out.

Don’t get too close, I can’t contain this fire!

Your understanding of how special forces soldiers operate seems to be cribbed from early ’90s action movies.