
Most of the cops I know are assholes. Just sayin. 

The phrase “celebrity cop” should not be 

Anyone associated with Live PD is trash.

The Shiv Roy School of Things That Would Have Been Good To Know Before You Said Those Vows

His justification reminds me of Thomas Middleditch, who recently outed himself as someone who coerced his wife into an open marriage.”

Terrence Howard hasn’t been okay in over a decade

Wow, here we have it folks.  Asshole of the year.

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

Now playing

They should recast Christina Aguilera as Samantha. She had that voice down!

This is how a Black girl with 4C natural hair looks after a day of playing around outside and being carefree. All the kids look cute and the “after school” photoshoot theme is unique and adorable. You can lay your kid’s edges to the gawds at 8am and they’ll look like they went through a wind tunnel by 3pm, and that’s

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

The lack of Post Malone on this list is encouraging...

LOL, that’s pretty good. On a side note, have you ever tried to spread peanut butter on great value bread ? The bread just disintegrates. I’m sure that there’s a parallel to the bread and this horrible union of two horrible people

“Great Value Zendaya”

100% this. I got a little too big for my britches in high school, got tuned up in front of about 1/3 of the school. One of the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm not kidding.

I feel like so much of this could be solved if these people got the shit beat out of them just once in their younger years. Seriously. I really do. 

Why is this show “deeply problematic?” I am assuming it has to do with whiteness, as this is how white people code for “too many white people”

This reminds me if a teacher I had in high school. She was in her 70s, tiny, and mean. But before class she would exasperatedly sigh and offer the class random life advice such as:

I think Miley’s bangs look awful (not that she asked me).

This was my first thought, that’s pretty much his management style so why wouldn’t he apply it to his children?

If the three of them weren’t such awful people I’d feel sorry for them.