Actually playing her game isn’t punishment enough?
Actually playing her game isn’t punishment enough?
She may not win this year, but she’s probably learning a ton about the political process as she runs. Hopefully she’ll be a well-known name within a couple of years, because it seems like she could really contribute to cyber security, which seems to be her expertise.
Reads like a weird promotional piece and not journalistic at all. She pretty much ruined the anti gamergate movement and constantly used the same tactics they did to bring so much shit down on the people with legitimate concerns. She has such an ego and has to constantly be the center of attention. Thankfully she…
Door-to-door campaigners are not informing the populous, they are selling a product.
Can I ask what she has done to endear her to yourself?
I’ll expand a little. The President and administration have every right to suggest a company should take a course of action. They aren’t compelling them through any kind of coercion or force. They aren’t ordering the IRS to audit ESPN, etc. They are still at the talking shit part. Talking shit is ok. Obama…
It absolutely is not. The President and his administration can comment on private matters as much as they want. They shouldn’t, but it is in no way a First Amendment issue. Now if they sent the national guard to Bristol, then sure. You shouldn’t make up shit about the First Amendment just because Trump sucks.
Let me get this straight...
Nope. If they arrested her, or *forced* ESPN to fire her in some way, then you would an argument.
Oh yes, what ever will we do if this bastion of journalistic integrity and the highly respected journalists it employs disappear forever?
None of those men are racist. Sessions marched across the Bridge in Selma holding fucking hands with John Lewis. Attacks on Trump’s base are the height of fucking stupidity.
1. That list is preposterously dumb.
The problem with donating directly is it just doesn’t work because most people don’t care. No one is going to donate money to help build up a population of elk in Kentucky that no one is ever going to lay their eyes on. The only people who actually care enough are hunters. They care because they want to hunt them,…
There are vastly more deer, elk, turkeys, moose, and bears alive today than there were when Teddy was hunting them and solely because of hunter conservation. These animals were almost non-existent at the turn of the 20th century.
You’re fucking trash along with all the other assholes in this thread gloating that people who you oppose politically got shot. Really is this what political discourse has come to? Cheering the attempted murders of our political opponents?...and no, its not lost on me, the irony that people who oppose gun control just…
Petty divisive people like you are what is wrong with this country. On both sides.
The OP’S response is the racial version of what happens here whenever a Muslim commits an act of terror: “But Christians do bad things too!”
Something tells me you have not had an open conversation with an educated human being who voted for Trump. I didn’t even vote for the guy but it’s probably time to get out of your echo-chamber and talk to people with different points of view.... Just a thought.
you must not know any trump voters. they are regular people and their fate is tied to yours because there are massive numbers of them. you should not hope for this.