
I own a few suppressors and I’m not a criminal... It’s no different for gun guys/girls to want a suppressor then a car person to want the latest upgraded part for there ride. Just because they want to have a super quiet ride doesn’t mean they are going to now use it for hiding body’s or smuggle drugs. Grow up! Your

What an absolute bullshit article. Forensic evidence backed the officers version of events, as well as eyewitnesses in the case of Mike Brown.

“Brown exchanging what appears to be marijuana with store clerks minutes before now-former Police Officer Darren Wilson killed him.”

I appreciate the effort you put into that reply, even though almost every part of it was wrong. Too be honest, I’m must too lazy to put that much effort into trying to convince you to change your deep set views, but I’ll leave a few quick thoughts.

They have to force the narrative and go after Trump whenever possible. It’s almost like they are run by a Spanish speaking pro-Mexican news syndicate that has gone toe-to-toe with Trump in the past.

Yes it must suck to be willfully breaking the law and have to worry about getting caught . . . willfully breaking the law.

Imagine having your identity stolen. “The New York Times reports that Rayos, who was convicted in 2008 of using a false social security number to obtain employment”. This is code for “felony identity theft”.

Twenty million Americans gained health insurance

So what, exactly did Trump say about Lewis that was false, based on Lewis’ record in Congress? His district is in bad shape, exactly as Trump said it was. And you can chalk that up to Democrat policies.

The treatment of anorexia, isnt to provide the person who believes they should be skinnier surgery to make them skinnier.

I’ll make this quick:

I don’t think you can compare anorexia with being transgender. Would you give liposuction or bariatric surgery  to someone suffering from anorexia nervosa?

Some reasons not to present any evidence:

Um... Maybe you missed the part about the shooter not being white?

Apparently, He was a returning vet who was having mental problems returning to civilian life.Perhaps all of us (left and right) can rally behind the idea that they deserve our concern?

There ya go! The leftist version of “thoughts & prayers.” Or, as you call it “I hope it’s a white guy. Please let them be white.”

What’s a bigot to do at this point?

Why? They break news for everything else.

I bet that stellar Mom is one of the family members suing too. She couldn’t be bothered taking care of her when she was alive but she sure as hell won’t pass up an opportunity to make some money off her death (that she indirectly caused).

1.) These kids were trespassing and asked to leave prior.