No it’s not because the presidents opinion on what should happen doesn’t violate the first amendment at all. Unless you think opinions are something the president isn’t allowed to have.
No it’s not because the presidents opinion on what should happen doesn’t violate the first amendment at all. Unless you think opinions are something the president isn’t allowed to have.
Amazing you must be a psychic. So if it’s not unconditional and totally doesn’t violate any law, what’s the issue? Is the president not allowed to have an opinion?
Where did I say I was a constitutional scholar?
Right they only differ in every other conceivable way.
Someone sounds a little upset. Did your parents never teach you how to deal with the real world? Did they coddle you until you were 20, telling you that you were special and could do anything you wanted? Did you then realize the world doesn’t give a shit about you and you can’t do anything you like? Did that make you…
You are more than welcome to take that tough guy stance to my front doorstep if you’d like. Or are you too much of a little bitch. Don’t want to get your prissy little hands dirty so you hope your problem will take care of itself. No wonder your generation is fucked.
Very tolerant of you. By the way I’m not a facist. Just because you’re a socialist doesn’t mean everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist. You seriously wouldn’t know a fascist if he was kicking the shit out of you while wearing a brown shirt.
Nazi apologist? You’re deluded brother.
Just because you keep saying something, does not make it true. If anything you just look like a parrot, repeating what your group keeps saying. It’s funny you know, the only people that get upset about being called a racist, are people who are genuinely not racist, or at least really don’t think they are. Real racists…
You don’t need to be religious to think the disposal of babies is wrong.
I’m not a Christian. I think religion is complete and utter bullshit and I’m on the fence about god also. You need to be a Christian to think babies shouldn’t be murdered? Or that people who aren’t capable of raising babies should take more precautions when fucking? I am also not completely against social programs. If…
Are you fucking retarded? Exactly how is suggesting ESPN fire her, equal to writing a law banning free speech? How is it equal to using the government to silence her? What the president said was his opinion. One that will have 0 reprocussions if not followed. Now if he said “Fire Jamal or we will send the national…
The problem is, you’re calling anyone who disagrees with you and happens to be white, a white supremacist.
Actually it’s not and you don’t understand what the first amendment means. If however he said she should be punished and we’re going to do the punishing, that would be a first amendment violation. Just saying your opinion in the matter is not a violation.
How many people have been grabbed by the “pvssies” by our president? Go a head I’ll wait.
Right, I mean how crazy would it be if a president used a government agency to go after a select group of people they disagreed with... oh wait. See Obama and the IRS going after the tea party.
How exactly. Who in the government is punishing her in that scenario. They didn’t fire her, they didn’t force espn to fire her. They didn’t send in the NG to force anybody. They didn’t make a law forcing her punishment. In fact all it is, is someone’s opinion. Are you saying free speech doesn’t apply to people who…
How is telling people your opinion in anyway shape or form a legally binding muzzle of free speech. The first amendment does not say that “Anyone in the government is banned from having an opinion on what someone else says or actions a private company should take.”
Please show me where in the first amendment it says “The government shall not interfere with free speech.” Because I’m pretty sure all it says is congress shall create no law banning or binding free speech. An opinion by the presidents press secretary is neither law nor a legal matter and therefore the first does not…
No it’s not. You clearly don’t understand what the first amendment says. It clearly states no Law shall me made. I don’t think congress made a law banning her from talking. Nor is the president threatening legal action. He simply thinks she should be fired. There will be 0 reprocussions if she isn’t.