
Uhh no. “A chilling effect may be caused by legal actions such as the passing of a law, the decision of a court, or the threat of a lawsuit; any legal action that would cause people to hesitate to exercise a legitimate right (freedom of speech or otherwise) for fear of legal repercussions.” the president is not taking

What part of “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”, don’t you get? Is the

Hmm odd, my mother has 0 issue walking up and down stairs, and her Alzheimer’s is pretty advanced. Like, doesn’t know me, my father, my wife,or what house she’s lived in for 27 years.

On another post I saw a bunch of you getting on someone for fat shaming but because you guys hate this women and what she stands for and she’s not poor, black, or in a shelter, it’s ok to make fun of her appearance. Jezebel is the fucking biggest bunch of hypocrites.

Oh man, could you imagine? Where will you all go to yell into an echo chamber if Jezebel goes? Fuck where will I go to look at all the crazy people?

Hmm 0$ or my life. That’s a tough one.

Right! Fuck them for making sound decisions in their lives and having some money! Who the fuck do they think they are!

Really? My friends home was completely destroyed in the hurricane. He’s white and middle class. How man you poor people live on the coast in the multi million dollar homes? How man you poor people will lose those homes? To act like the poor are the only ones affected by these storms is outrageous.

Yea Russia. There’s so much to that story isn’t there...

Wow really? You do realize that the loss of life will be negligible compared to the monetary damage that will come out of these storms right? That means relief money that the government will have to supply. Why would Trump be happy about that. Even then, why would he be happy at all that Americans, you know the group

They were literally bussing people out for free...

Actually, prison labor is completely legal under the 13th amendment.

I agree, the bill that was floating around the house was complete bullshit. Ryancare was a sham and I’m glad it didn’t pass

No I have real insurance, not government subsidized.

No, he did it the exact same day it happened. Just because he didn’t spell out the groups by name for you morons who don’t understand things, doesn’t mean he didn’t condemn them. It was only after morons like you were all upset he didn’t name racists but blamed both parties for the violence, it takes to to tango

.... Jesus Christ, you liberals are absolutely insane. What do you exactly think a pure, for lack of a better word, liberal is?

Nice assumption. Me, I’m concerned with all human life, and that includes the clump of cells growing into a human being. Clearly your moral compass doesn’t stop you from disregarding a developing human as non-life and for that, I feel sorry for you. You should be thankful your mother didn’t feel the same way about

Actually it is. One of the tenants of fascism is forcible oppression of opposition. What exactly do you think beating up and wishing death upon people who have opposing views of you is exactly. People have a right to voice their opinion in America, no matter how hateful, racist, or bigoted it is. The fact that you

So now unborn babies and humans who disagree with you are ok to murder and wish death upon. You wonder why people don’t listen to the bullshit you preach. Your mentalilty seems very fascist.

But only children we deemed worthy enough to be born instead of ripped from their mothers womb.