
WTF? Obama was a republican?

And here we have someone who I’m sure says Facists suck, using fascist tactics. Do you not realize that wanting someone who disagrees with you to die, makes you a facist?

Yea I’m not particularly a fascist but anyone who doesn’t believe what I do deserves to be beaten and possibly killed.

Uhh he denounced the violence and the fucking nazis. Jesus you liberals are just asinine.

60% of the military voted for trump. I would say they already are, you pansy ass bitch.

He was granted deferments for being in college and once for bone spurs after leaving college. That is draft dodging in the absolutes loosest of terms. Meanwhile, Clinton used everything in his power including special treatment, and even signing up for ROTC to avoid the draft, and then rescinding his application once

You’re wrong and have clearly never heard of the conscientious objecter law.

Oh god what will we do without that 1% of the population in our military?

Hahahaha wrong on so many levels.

Maybe because people like to spend money on things they enjoy. They aren’t doing it for the conservation. It just so happens that the money they spend goes into it. You think these people would be spending that much money if they couldn’t hunt. Here’s a clue, they wouldn’t. Then what would happen to these animals?

Actually there are people eating that lion. Just because the hunter doesn’t eat it, does not mean it’s being wasted. Anecdotal story time. My uncle an aunt were in Africa years ago. My uncle was a great shot, ex military. The local village had an issue with a hippo and hired my uncle to kill it. The moment that hippo

But people do eat it. That meat gets donated to villages. So again, what’s your issue?

An ignorance of both hunting and guns, on Jezebel!!! Somebody stop the presses!!

When you say things like “murder” when pertaining to animals, you sound like a fucking idiot.

That’s like asking the sky if it knows why it is blue. Of course they don’t know how stupid they sound.

Stealing it from who? The guy who came up with it years ago?

Jesus you all have the most sensitive vaginas in the world.

No they are pushing the theory that guns can save your life.

It literally happens all the time. Seriously where the fuck have you people been. A simple cursory check on google bring some up tons of articles where a civilian stopped someone from robbing/killing someone else. Most of us that carry do not want to ever get into a life’s or death situation. If we can run, we will.

Again do you people live under a rock? Civilians stop people with guns all the damn time, almost always without collateral damage.