
Ok then make it the same as car insurance. You’re required to get it but you’re allowed to shop around for rates and a policy that matches what you need. When they have a car insurance that forces you to get what the government is offering, or you get a penalty, your analogy will make better sense.

Yea sure psycho, that life growing inside that women is total bullshit. It’s just, like cells man. It may not be a baby but it sure as hell is developing into one. Why would they be deprived of that? Can they not afford it? Then maybe they should think twice before actually having that baby. Does their insurance not

Yea it’s totally not the smokers fault he got lung cancer, or the alcoholics fault there liver is failing, right? I was unaware that people who drive a Toyota Prius pay the same in car insurance as someone who drives a Ferrari. Oh that’s right, because they don’t. Higher risk people pay more, higher risk cars are

Wow I never looked at it that way. Thank god for the internet. I never would have had some random douchebag who probably still lives in his mothers basement tell me exactly what I am. Thanks random douche on the internet!

Do you pay more for your coverage because of that person? No you don’t.

I find it disturbing that people who are completely ok with abortions suddenly can’t stand dead babies.

Yes but Jon doe does have a house. Are homeless people required to pay for house insurance?

Her argument is akin to saying, “well when that volcano shows up in Tennessee those people will wish they had an insurance policy that covered volcanoes.

Wrong person my bad.

Why are you bringing up taxes in a conversation about insurance? That how taxes work, not how insurance works. People in Ohio don’t pay insurance companies for hurricane insurance now do they?

What?! People in Ohio dont pay for volcano insurance? Or earthquake insurance? Or hurricane insurance? But I thought insurance is for everything!

You’re only required to get car insurance if you actually have a car. Your analogy is bad.

Jimmy Kimmel can’t afford health insurance?

What the fuck are you talking about. He was armed.

I get that it’s weed and no one should be punished for using it and or selling it. However selling it is considered much worse than just using. Always has been, with any drug. I’m not surprised that it’s the dealer who gets in trouble over the guy that bought an eighth of weed.

The mental fucking gymnastics you people have to do is astounding. Who gives a fuck what intentions he had when he was born. He’s an adult and made the decision that at least 1 possibly 3 other people’s lives didn’t matter at all.

Yup, the millions of men in the country and yet a small percentage turn into murderers and violent offenders. Me thinks you’re wrong.

Actually it’s because people like you make excuses for cold blooded murders and terrorists. “Oh society failed them!! Poor people never had a chance!” The fuck outta here with that.

It’s called morbid curiousity and most humans have it. Why do you think people look at car crashes when they drive by, why do you think we like horror stories? Literally all of civilization people have been fascinated by death.

Yup! Nothing like waiting 20 minutes for the cops show up while being murdered in your own house.