
But my question is how will you blame gun nuts for this?

What and where are the rights to fly in a plane laid out? How old are you, 6? Corporations have always valued corporations over people. Is there some law that was rescinded recently that allows airlines to do this? No? Then it has nothing to do with Trump you fucking mook. I know, you’re afraid of big bad, racist,

I work for my own company. I’m my own boss. So your remark is baseless and makes you look stupid. Sorry I don’t expect people to take care of me when I’m able bodied, young, and am more than capable of working.

Lol nice assumption. What is a hick? I’m my view it’s an ignorant person from the country. However I’m college educated and live in an affluent suburb, so I really don’t know who you are calling hick. You liberals have been destroying this country for years now, I’m not saying Trump will fix it, there is a lot of shit

Interesting, so the ACA lives in a bubble and has no effect whatsoever on insurance companies. It’s just a huge coincidence that my premiums went up after the ACA. Medicare is fucking unless. It sure as hell isnt helping my my mother with alzheimers, who needs at least part time care if not full time. But oh no,

Yea no one ever said “go back to your country” before Trump became president

Stop acting like a bitch

Why would my health insurance disappear? Ive had health insurance since before the ACA, which by the way raised my premiums. Why would it go away? You see, when you work for a good company, or own your own business, you get health benefits.

Says the fuckwit who wants to see his country fail.

Doubt it will be as bad as my business has been struggling the past 8. You know, since the Obama administration thought it was a great idea to put small business in a higher tax bracket.

Show me these tiny suppressors.

I completely agree with you. If you ever want to see irresponsibly gun owners go to a range. Although I bet if you ask them, they are new owners. At least most of the ranges I frequent have RSO’s who are more than quick enough to step in and make it a teaching moment.

Most people I know do not use ear protection while hunting. Why dull the senses you need to hunt? You just deal with the loud report that you get if you even use the gun.

You clearly show that you have no idea what you are talking about. For one, a suppressor absolutely will make a gun quite enough to not use ear protection. It’s still loud, but only slightly louder than a whip crack, since all you are hearing is the super sonic bullet breaking the sound barrier. Now switch that

Wait, are you saying that criminals can get ahold of suppressors!? Wait I thought the background checks, fingerprints, and tax stamp are in place to prevent that?! Are you suggesting it’s easier for a criminal to get one than it is for a law abiding citizen? Are you saying that the law is pointless?

The current law does not prevent anyone from illegally obtaining or making a suppresor.

You do know that pigs travel in packs, yes? So I take it you could also figure out that when a loud noise happens, regardless if you hit a pig or not, the rest will run.

Why, I would love for a fully auto to be less than $20,000.00. Even if I still had to go through the bullshit of the NFA process.

Yup, it’s not like suppressor add about 5 inches to a gun. They actually make them easier for criminals to conceal.

I am not actively trying to but I sure as hell would love to see it.