
And even if the whole neighborhood could hear it, would they call the cops? Most people don’t know what a gunshot actually sounds like and might just think someone dropped something’s larger or maybe their is construction going on. I live in a suburb, just the other month I heard what sounded to me exactly like

Well for one, you can’t just put a suppressor on any gun, it require some a threaded barrel. Not every thread is made equal and they have different width and direction threading. Will the range carry a bunch of different suppressor threads? Will they also carry every conceivable barrel length and caliber or will that

I will point out that only holds true if you are using supersonic ammo. If you switch to subsonic that decibel level drops dramatically.

Or you know, he likes guns and isn’t terrified to shoot them. A hobby is a fucking hobby. He doesn’t need a reason to have them. I have a feeling you’ve never touched a gun in your life.

This country wouldn’t be here without that amendment but ok.

Why not? Oh and they aren’t illegal. If you can buy a gun, you can buy a suppressor. Also if you get a trust, you can cut out all that crap that goes along with buying one. You would only need $200.00 for the stamp and $700.00 for the price of the suppressor. The trust takes care of everything else’s.

Hahahaha why? It’s 100 times easier and cheaper for a criminal to get their hands on one then it is for a law abiding citizen.

How so, as it is, if you can buy a gun, you can buy a suppressor. You just have to wait longer. There is literally nothing extra that bars someone from buying a suppressor.

Right because crimes are committed all the time with suppressors. I don’t want to hear any of this bullshit that it’s because they are hard to get. That has never stopped a criminal from doing anything.

How about, I like guns. Fuck you it’s my right to own one. I like things that go on guns. Fuck you if you think otherwise. None of us have to prove to you why we need/want them. Personally “I like them” is a damn good enough reason to me.

Well they do if you are using a suppressor and subsonic ammo. Then it sounds like a glorified BB gun.

That’s funny, everyone I know who owns a suppressor has it for non criminal activities. Damn that’s strange. Here I thought that you knew it all.

Now playing

Also I find it funny that you think those people are capable of using a gun. We all know how liberals act around weapons. How will you all get past the PTSD associated with firing a rifle?! Didn’t that writer teach you guys anything about how terrifying it is to even look at such a weapon. With its black plastic,

You do know that most people who buy guns actually practice with them and train and learn how to be safe right? I’m not saying that idiots don’t buy guns, I see them all the time at the range. However most people don’t want to actually hurt themselves or others accidentally and will go out of their way to learn

Interesting, the last time a bunch of black people protested on the steps of a government building, they all lived. In fact all that came of it was a few misdemeanors. Crazy, you sound pretty racist right now.

That’s pretty racist man. So you are assuming that a black male cannot get a suppressor because of his skin color? Why do you have such racist ideas?

Why, is it not their constitutional right? The only people that would be peeved are the extremely far right but jobs. I wouldn’t give a shit and personally think they should. It’s within everyone’s right to defend themselves from danger and I believe they should. You all like to point to that one time in California

Hahah science never thought the earth was flat. The fucking ancient Greeks knew the earth was round. What came first the Bible or Ancient Greece?

It’s not that the Bible specifically states the earth is flat. It’s more, the Bible describes how the earth was formed and science disagrees with it and if the earth isnt some special place different from all other space objects then religion is a lie.