
Oh god forbid the presidency is transparent. You know, like Obamas administration said they would be, but then weren’t.

Pushing Trump is a horrible idea and they know it. They pushed Obama around left and right and in the case of Iran, all he did was capitulate, give them tons of money, released sanctions, and allowed them to continue with their nuclear program. To top it all off, all the provisions we gave them about what they can and

Hopefully just you idiots on the coast.

Hillary is a traitor because she wasn’t perfect with her email server. Go ahead rip me a new one.

What you are missing is the fact that all these people are either morons, willfully ignorant, or just don’t give a shit about how what Trump has done is almost exactly like what Obama has done. As long as it’s Trump doing it, they will bitch and moan about it.

Uh that’s great, they can be human and still be illegal you fucking idiot. Like a murderer can kill someone and still be a human, while also doing something ducking illegal that makes them a criminal. Your bleeding heart is clouding your already low IQ judgment.

Jesus fucking Christ. You all ignored the part of the article that states Obama deported 2 million undocumented immigrants in the same way. What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?

Well considering this was going on during obamas administration; apparently we’ve been there always. Either that or you are fucking retarded and have no idea what fascism is. I think it’s the later.

Is there any evidence for this statement?

Fuck yea, people here illegally should totally not have to worry about being sent back to their country so they can come back legally, or I dunno, maybe stay and work to make their country a better place. I also imagine they feel the same way they did when Obama administration carried out these raids. You know, like

Exactly how does taking in El Salvador’s richest poor and brightest impoverished people make El Salvador a better place? Do you honestly think that the people who are the worst off in that country will be any better when the ones who could be a force for change leave?

Yea fuck the rest of your country. I mean I can get out out so I might as well, nevermind the millions of people who will never and can never get out. Fuck trying to make my country better for everyone.

Haha what? No it isn’t

Why would a citizen need a fake ID or SSN to buy a gun?

Do you honestly think she got the SSN so she could pay taxes? Or because a lot of places won’t hire undocumented workers?

And how has letting in the best and richest of the poor helped all the other impoverished people around the world?

She didn’t have to come here. She could’ve stayed in Mexico and tried to make it a better country for her peers. Instead she’s been using her talents here, a place that has plenty of people to fill that role, while leaving her oun country to suffer.

What do you hope to gain by letting in people who otherwise could make a difference in their country. As they are usually more educated and better of then the people who will never make it out of their county. You know that you aren’t helping anyone by letting them in right?Well maybe that one person, but what about

Maybe now this women can go back to Mexico and be a force for change in her country. You see we take in about a million immigrants from the world every year. Yet there are 5.6 billion people in the world who live on less then 2 dollars a day. Also Mexicans kind fold set the standard for immigrants. Now Mexico is poor,

Maybe because it’s barely any different then any other travel ban imposed by the last 5 presidents. All of you are so fucking stupid. Please tell me how this is different then Obamas ban on Iraq. What part of the constitution does it violate?