
She also doesn’t think martial arts are an art.

Does that hurt your delicate sensibilities?

Right because Meryl Streep is so in touch with middle class Americans and their plights right?

Surgery isn’t a right. You deserve nothing if you’ve murdered someone in cold blood.

No I think this man murdered someone’s and deserves no sympathy what so ever. He should’ve been given the death penalty.

Someone who get life in prison without parole, where’s the rehabilitation factor in that one?

It isn’t medically necessary any more then making a fat person skinny through surgery because they feel they are really meant to be skinny.

Murder isn’t the only crime that lands you in jail you fucking morons.

He is a mentally ill murderer. He deserves death.

No the penis in his pants is a pretty good indicator that he is a man.

She’s looks like a man, because she’s man.

This man should of beengiven the death penalty. We shouldn’t be catering to a murderer.

You mean like people who have no money for food or shelter, will commit petty crimes so they’ve can get 3 hots and a cot? No nobody would ever do that.

Maybe you just don’t like food. Maybe the doctors should remove your stomach and sew your mouth shut. Instead of treating the mental aspect of it. Isn’t that essentially what gender reassignment does?

It is not medically necessary. How about treating the mental disease instead of throwing permanent bandaids on it.

That’s a choice, not an ailment that needs surgery to fix. All the surgery does is fix the symptoms of the mental disease. Not the cause of those symptoms.

Will the women be safe from him in the other prison?

Yea let’s cure the symptoms of mental disease and not the cause.

Hmm be shot in the head cowering in a corner or fight... I know which I’d choose

Usually the guy shooting innocent unarmed people, is the bad guy.