
Oh really? You need a background check to buy a uterus? You can’t have a uterus if you’re a felon? You can’t conceal your uterus without a license? That’s nuts

Every single woman I know carries a handgun where I live, in the wealthy suburbs.

Considering all he’s done and he’s hasn’t even been signed in yet, is say pretty well. How will demos remember him? Regardless of what he does, they’ll always hate him.

That’s not how elections work. Polls aren’t about the popular vote.

Wait what?! Hahaha because we hate Hillary Clinton, and would never in a million years vote for her, and because Putin also hates Clinton, we’re doing his bidding? He had 0 influence over my decision. I wasn’t voting for her from day 1 and nearly everyone I know who voted felt the same way. Did the leaks affect my

Why, was he causing a problem, or was he minding his own business like your ass should.

Actually, checking a weapon is completely possible and the only way to take a weapon with you on a flight.

God forbid someone you dislike offer condolences. What is this world coming to!!!

Never going to happen sweetheart.

Guns don’t just discharge for no reason. The trigger needs to be pulled. You should learn a bit about guns and how they work and how to be safe around one, it may help you deal with this unfounded fear of an inanimate object.

Checked guns have been allowed for a long time, this is the first incidence caused by one. Methinks you’re putting too much into this.

Bomb part? What are bomb parts, an which ones aren’t banned on a flight?

Yes you are slightly better then a nazi. Congratulations

Obama hasn’t said anything yet about this nor has he called the governor of the state. Meanwhile Trump has already reached out to the governor.

One would think that may have saved some lives here today

Well he’s already taken the right from anyone over 65 who has given up or is deemed financially incompetent.

Is this guy not a terrorist?

Did you see the person who said we should also be thinking about what these criminas must be going through to actually do this?

Won’t someone please think of the heartless criminal society in all this!?!?! Seriously shut the fuck up. These people are fucking monsters.