Shut up racist.
Shut up racist.
Reading this and all you can think about is how some people you don’t know will for fact (they probably won’t) use it as an excuse to be racist. Seriously, what is wrong with you people.
Shut the fuck up. The perpetrators if this crime are not victims of anything. They chose a disabled Mann because their to big of pussies to try that with a capable human being. They knew it would Ben easier to handle a handicapped person. This wasn’t clearly all about white racism.
Your world view is so convoluted.
I find it hilarious that one person has you all so paranoid that you have to search for names, words, or diseases that might have to do with tomatos just to make sure a commenter isn’t that person. Holy shit you jezebelles are beyond stupid.
So why write this article on Jezebel at all? Gizmodo already wrote one today, by your explanation there’s no need for Jezebel to have this article.
You are half right. That is they way you deal with anyone who thinks it’s ok to kidnap someone and torture them. Especially when that person is mentally handicapped.
You have no idea how civil suits are paid by the city do you? It doesn’t matter if he’s scared or not, he’s not paying. You and every other tax payer will pay her settlement and the cop most likely will stilmbave his job. What exactly does that accomplish?
Well he had to makes rushing him while he was already occupied with restraining someone, seems like drawing his weapon did exactly what it was supposed to do, and that is stopping the males from attacking him.
How is resisting being handcuffed and calling for mommy being compliant?
Another person who has no idea how guns work. Nearly every modern, well made weapon, like the ones officers carry, have multiple drop safeties. In fact just about every gun will not fire unless the trigger is pulled. But sure let’s continue to spread false information.
Actually she asked for it by ignoring the officers orders to leave a place she wasn’t welcome at.
Hahah what?! Macho showmanship? How does rolling on the ground show how strong and macho you are?
“Oh yea, this is precisely the type of cop that just starts randomly shooting.” He says with a straight face about a cop who has never fired his weapon...
Jesus Christ you are some dense people. The cop tripped and salvaged it by rolling, instead of falling on his face. Seriously how fucking stupid are you?
It’s called tripping. Ever heard of it?
That’s called tripping over your own feet. Not doing a barrel roll to look cool.
Seriously? It’s ok for a women to have the freedom to decide she doesn’t want a life inside of her anymore but it’s not ok for people to have the freedom to choose if they want kids or not? You’re just going to make the decision that someone isn’t capable of raising children right? Are you suggesting we forcibly…
And this is the problem with idiots like you. The people who throw gays of roofs, behead, drown, blow up, set on fire, stab, and generaly massacre anyone they come across, are less scary then some racist assholes? I bet you wouldn’t be saying that if you were in Syria or Iraq.
Paranoia runs very fucking deep on this website. Seriously what is wrong with you. To suggest that I or anyone that I know wouldn’t care if a bunch of people, regardless of race, political leaning, gender, etc.were murdered, says a hell of a lot more about you then it does about us.