
What, no mass shootings to comment on today? Also, popular vote doesn’t mean shit.

Nobody is forcing them to do anything. If they don’t want to, they have the choice of quitting or losing their job. Unless of course someone isn’t holding a gun on them to make sure they dance.

You have no idea what that word means.

Hahaha right. Paranoia runs deep with this crowd.

I feel so bad for all of you. How do you go through life so terrified of everything?

Right because America has done so well against armed populaces in much smaller countries with much less insurgents with much less guns right? Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam... Iraq is the second most armed populace in the world, and yet even they don’t compare to our 313 million civilians with more then 300 million guns.

So many things wrong with that statement. Let someone start with the AR-15 which the only difference between it and the M-16 or M-4 is the fact that it cannot fire in burst fire or automatic modes. Both of which are inaccurate at medium to long range. Which is why they fire in semi mode at range. Further you clearly

Trump isn’t already president. Why do we needn’t a reichstag fire?

Trump isn’t already president. Why do we need a reichstag fire?

Ok your litterally are insane. Scratch everything I asked you. Anything that comes out of your mind are the ravings of a crazy person.

Name one coherent person. Also still waiting on your own words of how Trump is Hitler.

FDR put Japanese in internment camps, that’s a good president to you?

Nostradamus?! Are you kidding me?! He is known to be a fraud who took most of his “premonitions” from other less publicized books. Not to mention he claims he used fucking astrology to make his predictions. Sorry, astrology is pseudoscience.

Your damn right he’s no Roosevelt. Roosevelt put Japanese people in internment camps. Isn’t that more similar to Hitler then anything Trump has done? Yet you consider him one of the best presidents.

Holy shit are you out of touch honey. You look like a paranoid little child. Please enlighten us, what are we facing. How exactly, in your own words, is Trump like Hitler? Oh and the Jeresy shore has been off tv for years now.

“History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Someone much smarter then I coined that phrase.

You mean everyone that voted for Hillary is doing that. Oh and a bunch of celebrities that totally have the normal working mans best interests at heart. All of them I bet are on Obamacare, and are barely making ends meet. /s

Oh really? How the hell did Russia do that? Did they hack voting machines? No. Did they force people to vote for Trump? No. Did they let the public know how shitty Clinton was? Possibly, but that is hardly “making Hillary lose”. Hillary lost because people hate her. Russia, if they did the hacking, played a very tiny

Wow you are fucking retarded.

Ohh this is a good contest, whose more smug? Catholics? Or you fucking SJW’s?