
Right... nothing wrong with state censoring media...

No man, a “bipartisan” group of people will be doing the censoring so you know it’ll be ok. Government censored media isn’t always truth.

Yea what’s wrong with creating a “bipartisan” group that censors news. Governments have always had good intentions when controlling the news. What’s freedom of press anyways?

She was a women and no they didn’t. Provide me proof that any police force uses concussion grenades and I might be inclined to believe you. Though I doubt it since she’d be dead if it was one.

You don’t actually know what a concussion grenade is do you? Let’s ignore the fact that not one single police force in the western world is issued concussion grenades, and look at the facts. Concussion grenades kill by creating a pressure wave that is higher than the human body can handle. It does not create

You mean like former president Bill Clinton did?

It is a right, not a civic duty. Is owning a gun a civic duty? Both are rights granted by the constitution? I doubt you think that owning a gun is also.

You mean like Reagan, or Bill Clinton did?

If taking a phone call is bad? What is it to send two aircraft carrier battle groups to the Straight of Taiwan when China attempted to intimidate them? Is it worse? It sounds worse.

So we’re not going to talk about how Reagan invited the Taiwanese delegation to his inauguration? Or how aides to George W. Bush pressed him to take a more confrontational approach towards China until the September 11th attacks reordered his priorities. Or how Bill Clinton ordered two naval aircraft carrier battle

I wonder if you’ll realize that China has 250 warheads. We have 8,500. I don’t think they want to start that, because they sure won’t end it.

How did he tell them what to do? Nobody forced them to stay. It was just in their best interest to keep a factory here or face an import tax later. That’s business.

33% of the energy produced in America is from coal. It is the highest energy producer, tied with natural gas.

Maybe because coal still makes up 33% of the energy production. The exact same amount as natural gas by the way. All other forms besides nuclear are less then 10%. That includes renewable and oil.

Yea over 200 years ago. It’s ours now.

It’s not their land you god damn moron. Here is a map of the black hills reservation including old borders. 

I completely agree with you on the no fly list aspect and the “without due process” aspect. However you were committed for something, is that not a form of due process? You were evaluated and deemed a danger to yourself or others. Although I feel if you are ok now, and a doctor feels the same way, you should have your

No it’s not, he was a felon. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Clearly you can’t buy a gun legally if you are a felon. If we follow logic, he can’t own one nor purchase one, it leads us to the fact that any gun he has is illegally possessed. How did he know they guy was mentally ill? Just because someone yelled it

Like I said to the other guy, I agree that it isn’t necessarily right, but if you were committed and deemed a danger, you shouldn’t be allowed to have one. Now if a doctor said you were actually fine, I don’t think you deserve that.

Again I agree with just about everything. I just don’t think it’s a great idea to give suicidal/homicidal people guns. If they’ve been deemed to be a danger to a point they a committed against their will, maybe they shouldn’t be able to purchase a gun for awhile. However just like felons, they would be able to get