
I actually had two UK visas (one student, then a post-study work visa - Theresa May was directly responsible for ending that wonderful program). They had my fingerprints in the Border Agency system, I had a letter of employment from a government entity, and I still got suspicious questions like “how did you get this

My favorite photo from yesterday’s protest:

Question - is there an income requirement for US marriage visas? I lived in the UK for four years and they set an income requirement for the British spouse that was quite difficult for some people to meet. The govt claimed it was to keep non-refugee immigrants from being a financial drain, but the income requirement

Oh, I’m well aware! I work not too far from the hotel where Trump is staying. Might have to run over on my lunch break and join the protest.

I don’t know about states, but the cities certainly lean blue. Philadelphia is a sanctuary city. Trump and the entire GOP descend on Philly tomorrow, so we’ll see how that goes ...

I’ll admit to being irrationally angry at Susan Sarandon. Are you sorry now, Susan?? Now it’s something you actually care about?

By awards shows standards, this was actually a good showing for diversity. It’s rare to have so many Oscar-fodder movies with black actors in one year, so I don’t know if they were really trying to be diverse or just couldn’t avoid it. Let’s be optimistic and hope they keep it up.

I was horrified by this at first - total dictator move - but it sounds like all US presidents choose a title for their inauguration day like this? Obama had the “National Day of Renewal and Reconciliation” and George W. Bush had a “National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving.” So the language Trump chose is awful and

Even Dubya looks proud.

If he does know, he doesn’t care. Apparently, those rules only exist to keep America down. Just like the UN and all our foreign alliances.

Now playing

Kate McKinnon had a revised take on Kellyanne last night - attention hungry and unprincipled sounds closer to the truth than the “this is all on my shoulders” version they were doing before!

Anyone particular in mind?

True, though it feels a little insulting to poor Carla, who was charming in Midnight in Paris and seems both warm and gracious.

So I work for a nonprofit archive with a large collection of early American documents, including multiple drafts of the Constitution. The GOP loves to say that they’re the party that respects the founding documents. Well, they sure don’t support the actual, physical documents. We desperately need money for

Yeah, Bush Jr and Rove had a competition to see who could read more in a set period. Bush at least tried to expand his knowledge and horizons ...

I’m now imagining Barron as Colin Craven. Minus the secretly-good-hearted father.

He’s been to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Holocaust museum. But it doesn’t sound like he took away more than “those were some big beautiful exhibits.”

I was wondering how much time Hillary spent in the parts of PA that went red. She was in Philly a LOT - my roommate ran into her on the sidewalk one day - but mostly in blue areas. My neighborhood was never going to go Trump.

It’s because they can’t dismiss her. She’s unassailable acting royalty. (She’s not even very Hollywood.) Dame Meryl.

Oh but Kate McKinnon is lovely in it! She doesn’t say much of real substance - I do wish she had said something about homophobia or Hollywood expectations of “playing straight” when the other women were discussing diversity - but she’s still lovely and funny.