I am so over the “calling racists racist is the real racism” song and dance.
I am so over the “calling racists racist is the real racism” song and dance.
Pure racist bull.
Humans will use any excuse to kill. The past two centuries alone have witnessed 100's of millions killed in wars and persecutions that had nothing to do with religion.
I said this in a comment that will probably say in the grays because Dirt Bag is no longer that fun and therefore is less popular, but I live with my mom because (like Pete) I have a serious, chronic mental illness. I am also employed and we share living expenses. But no one cares about me as much as my mom does, and…
He also bought the house for his mom. The frequency of his jokes involving his mom are pretty solid evidence that they’re very close. I know that if I were single and bouncing from woman to woman in my mid-twenties, recovering from addiction, fighting crippling depression and Crohn’s Disease, I’d probably go live with…
He’s definitely made a joke on SNL’s Weekend Update about he and his mom having an awkward moment, then after the laugh he adds an aside that “It’s okay, I bought her a house.”
Plus it certainly sounds like a little stability could help him after his roller coaster of a last two years - addiction treatment, mental health issues, constant reporting on his romantic life.
So what? Maybe he likes his mom? Maybe she keeps him grounded. I truly think that people who haven’t lost a parent can’t understand how much that experience makes you value the one you have left.
It also sounds like he helped his mom buy a house...
Jameela Jamil will NOT back down on talking about fake weight loss teas, OK???
If you have not listened to the CBC’s Uncover podcast that covers NXIVM, do so ASAP.
The problem is that Puerto Rico is part of one of those shithole countries. You know, the ones dominated by religious nutjobs, without modern healthcare
Real talk. I’m most impressed how dude always has another job lined up. His hustle is deep.
Where’s this Brian Talbert creature work? Let’s get his scumbag ass fired.
Only if you have a very active imagination, which is apparently your case. How is a parent who let a kid sleep over at Michael Jackson’s the same as a rape victim?
It’s a totally cool and normal thing for your boss to talk shit about your husband and comment on your marriage on social media.
I like how she made it real passive when it comes to thanking: “They never give America credit” but real personal when it comes to blaming: “start blaming people who had nothing to do with slavery for the sin of slavery.” Bitch you can’t ask for credit for ending slavery in 1865 but not take blame for perpetuating…
Why you gonna post a picture in a story about Elijah Cummings featuring John Lewis with Elijah Cummings literally blurred out in the background? Yeah, this is hella distracting. Sorry.
If you’re going to write an article featuring Elijah you might not want to use a picture of John Lewis. Yeah Elijah is in the background but John as usual is bringing the heat as only he can
We see a lot of deals around the web over on Kinja Deals, but these were our ten favorites today.