
i am extremely tired of all hollywood acting like new york is the be all and end all of cities that are cool and interesting to live in, HOWEVER this looks fun and i love lizzo and female friendships and jane the virgin and nonsense and this seems full of all of those things so sure, let’s have a green juice mimosa

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him. 

Okay, to be honest, the evidence used in this reporting continues to confuse the hell out of me. The twitter link this article provides to argue that Rodriguez is wrong about her claims about Latin actresses does not actually prove anything of the sort. It actually just theorizes that her claim is based on a

I’m as left as they come yet I can understand why Spotify and others are reluctant to become gatekeepers. It’s one hell of a can of worms you’re asking them to open. Instead they’ve given us the consumer the power to not play. And now I won’t accidentally be giving artists I hate their .0016 cents.

Oh, man, Old Spice bringing Bruce Campbell and Terry Crews back to tell men not to be shitty is an ad campaign I can get behind 100%.

I watched the video and was so touched by it that I teared up and then I scrolled down and read the comments and now I just want to punch everyone. All these people saying that this is anti-men and that it somehow implies that all men are born to be monsters. My head is exploding at the idiocy. How is the message

This ad is in no way suggesting the umbrella of masculinity is a problem. It is focusing on something that falls underneath that umbrella that’s called toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is the strain of masculinity that tells boys that they can never show emotion, that the only thing they’re allowed to feel is

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not but a razor ad featuring drag queens / LGBTQ folks would be phenomenal.

are they actually watching the ad? it is so harmless. Its ‘don’t be an asshole’ stretched out for a minute and 30 seconds.

The ad is fine. I find it generally annoying when a product/company capitalizes on social movements, but this is fine.

Other ideas I can get behind:
- An ad featuring drag queens
- An ad featuring trans men/women and genderqueer folks: “The best anyone can get”

Maximilian de Winter is totally that guy who was once cheated on by a beautiful girlfriend so he intentionally dates plain girls with a low self-esteem because he thinks they’re too ugly to cheat.

Could it be the subconscious awareness that image #1 contains an alleged domestic abuser and image #2 contains a guy we always see snuggling with puppies?

I have realized that the world can be divided into two sets of people, people who value people and people who value money.  She values money.  She would sell every last one of her principles and morals if it meant more money.  That’s how she can support Republican policies - because they ensure that she gets more


A different kind of example of this is Broadchurch, where the wife isn’t the victim but is nonetheless destroyed by her marriage to a murderer.

Two words: tide pods.

Uh, I dunno. I think there are teens who would knowingly eat ash-laden cookies. I’m pretty sure that some that I went to high school with would have. I’m really old and I don’t think goth was really a thing then, but they were mostly the strange kids who dressed in black and hung out by the auditorium. They

“Doing the forbidden is bad (especially if you are a woman)” is a pretty common aesop in tales going back to before written history. Pandora, Eve, Psyche, Soatsaki...

The newly married wife and me, decided to have a Cinco de Mayo party in order to break out and use some of our wedding gifts. We spent the day getting our party supplies, getting food prepped and after some clever engineering I created a margarita fountain. The dinner party was a hit and as it went early into the