
Can you please post the number for the Suicide Prevention Hotline on articles like this? It should be standard practice, even on a site that’s being actively dismantled by an herb.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

I read this twice and tried to choke back my laughter while my husband slept on the couch beside me. 🤣❤🎃

Yeah, what’s funny is anyone who knows me fairly well knows how hard it is for me to keep long term romantic relationships going. I have a lot of personal issues around commitment and I’ve never met anyone who I’ve felt I truly “gelled” with. Maybe it’s because I’m somehow cosmically tied to this guy LOL. I guess


Your mom’s reply was super creepy.

My mom was the youngest of seven children. How all seven siblings and my two grandparents lived in their tiny little Northern Virginia house (with one tiny bathroom!), I’ll never comprehend, but it was a cute and cozy little place. There were four bedrooms in the house, so one bedroom went to my grandparents, one to

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I posted this last year and have been encouraged to repose, apologies to those who have read it before, but it was just so spooky.

Possible Shapeshifter

Bear with me, ‘cuz this one is a doozy, and spans a few years.

I do not believe in supernatural phenomena in the slightest and I don’t consider this incident to be more than an amusing coincidence and a side effect of watching too many creepypasta videos, but regardless, it does make for a good story, and someone else might read more to it than I do.

This story is about my auntie (mum’s sister) and her partner and their daughter. They moved into their home in the early 90s. It was built back in the 1930s and had not had any major work done to it before they bought it. First plan of action for my auntie’s partner was to knock down some of the walls on the ground

I really love this story. I’m sad to think of what happened to that little boy in this world to end his life and banish him to that stairwell. :*( I hope he's found peace and is in a better place now. 

Aww, yes that is indeed a sweet story. Very nice!

I fully laughed out loud! This was wonderful. 

OMG this truly made me lol. 

“That Time I Took a Spirit on a Trip to Michaels”

A Face in the Window

Have you considered sorting responses by “Newest” instead of “Popular”?! It’s been a game changer for me!