
Too soon

*Sigh* Prince William is so dreamy. (Not just because of the Coldplay or Linkin Park bit, but because of the charming, helping with the youth bit.)

Whoah, I never realized how big her boobs are... Where her boobs always that big? Is it just the angle of the picture?

Melissa McCarthy doing a plus size clothing line?

Major 70s-Diana-Ross vibes. Love.

Brazil and Chile, huh Prince Harry? I predict many more shennanigans that are going to get you in trouble with your Grams...

Oh my god, I wish I never knew he had a Facebook!!

Aw, I really wanted to keep my ovaries. Sad. (RE: Stephen Amell and his chubby cheeked offspring)



Madeline's article had me crying; that cover photo has me sobbing.

I'm furious because I don't know what else to do.

Oh man, this is GOLD! "Summering in the Inland Empire...", lolz for days.

Um, this is the most adorable gif ever. +1,000,000 to you

I was about to be rull pissed that Hiddles wasn't #1, but then I saw who WAS #1, and was like,

Man, I read something like this...

Oh how I wish I could be as statuesque as Jessica Chastain... *sigh*

Looks like it.
