
We can, but you have already said it so well LaComtesse, it need not be repeated. :)

And who is the other guy?...

I wish!

With shining amber colored eyes, and voices that feel like milk and honey baths for your eardrums.

That gif is magic.

But, but, peppermint mochas must be reserved for after December 1st!! Won't someone think of the children??!!

That photo is neither vintage nor classy...

Yeah, I thought her beef was she was a fairy who didn't get invited to the special feast thing for Aurora's birth... Like they weren't including her?

I missed the Hiddles gif party!

Well, Thor: The Dark World is pretty much a Loki movie, so you should check it out. He's honestly wonderful in it.

Oh my god, Madeline, I love YOU! This was hilarious.

I just spit coffee on my computer screen.

That would be amazing!!

Hiddleston, I'm done with you.

Nooooo, I'm tearing up at my desk now, THANKS A LOT.

I will shrivel up into a prune and then you can feed my shrunken corpse (via VitaMix'ed smoothie?) to Mark Ruffalo so that I might, just once, know him intimately.

My main take away from this is Mindy Kaling has the best costume ever, and Beyonce didn't wear a costume this year.

This gif is hypnotic...

WHAT?? How could she?... I don't even...

But it might have been a thing that wore a mask made out of somebody else's face...