I... wait, what were we talking about again?
That was my thought. Seems wrong to take complete credit for a show that was originated elsewhere.
It all seems so blatantly copycat to me...
Is Being Human really an "original" SyFy series? Pretty sure it's been around for awhile...
You are correct.
I salute you madame! I am also a female geek (nerd? dweeb? Let's just come out with it and recognize that we should mainly be labeled as AWESOME.) I love, love, love Benedict Cumberbatch because Sherlock. The only person I might love more is Arthur Darvill because Rory on Doctor Who. :)
I agree, but I still wanted this sweater, cause I LOVE the song. Alas, it is $108.00, and I am not dropping that much on a sweater.
" This wasn't a freaking accident, and her life was not lost. It was taken. " Bingo. This is what has been bothering me about every news story I've read about this incident. None of them mention that fact.
Nope, agree 100%.
Gold noticed, though only long enough to throw some salt in her Kool-Aid.
I text as much as the next person, but texting effects people's face to face interactions in more ways than one. To me, it isn't so much that people prefer texting to phone calls or in person meetings, but the fact that we text while in the presence of other people that we're supposed to be communicating with. For…
I was thinking the same thing after seeing that picture. How strange...
Hahaha, that was the absolute best thing ever.
Ugh, the "Never Have I Ever" games are the woooorrrrrssstttttt.
Completely agree. I came here to sing a similar song, but you beat me to it. :)
Samesies. :(
"Hard to create a chin out of thin air, though. " I think that's one of my favorite sentences ever.
OMG I love her!! Thanks so much for the recommendation!