The Skimbleshanks Redemption

At least we know where his BBT residuals check is going to go (alimony).

Don’t forget: this is the guy with the nuclear codes.

This would have made an awesome series finale for Big Bang Theory — Sheldon pays to have Amy killed, only to have Amy show up at the Nobel Prize ceremony.

Succinct and totally on-point.

And sometimes you have to nuke it from orbit, just to be sure. Where the planet in this case is the Republican Party.

Chachi von Bingenheimer is in my software testing rotation, along with Kentucky Blatz, Manolo Mussolini, Tippecanoe O’Herlihy, and Tito Zwack.

an acquired taste

99.9% of podcasts are just shitty AM radio.

The 1st one that came to mind for her was Billy Squier.

Not necessarily...I would point you to the estimable Martin O’Malley, the telegenic-looks-good-on-paper variety candidate. Former Baltimore mayor, governor of Maryland, Kennedy wannabe.

No Qualifications(tm) is the new qualification to run for president.

Calvin Coolidge’s cat has the same flinty, inscrutable stare as Coolidge.

I’d be OK with outlawing this if the statute also outlaws those  “Baby On Board” stickers.

This is clearly a case of practice, practice, practice.

Except in this particular instance we are talking about Mark Zuckerberg, who has about 70 billion or so reasons* not to give a wet rats ass about his height or what people think about it.

Paris Hilton...blah blah...Lindsay Lohan.

All I know is:

Did anyone not wearing a tin hat think Obama was going to not leave office? And at the time I think the worry with Bush was more along the lines of a terrorist attack.

Speculate? More like a guarantee: